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ReAsOnS WhY YoU ArE sO GrEaT:

1. your curly hair (even though you hate it)

2. your smile

3. interesting spellings

4. all the crossword puzzles

5. how great you are to hug

6. your guitar playing

7. you're a great kisser

8. your converse

9. you play along with all my little games

10. you have amazing eyes

11. you can play the guitar

12. how you put your head down and rest it on my leg

13. how you cover your face up with your hands

14. biting

15. how you wear that 88.1 button on your shirt

16. we are so alike

17. all the little things

18. how you're so... you....

I could keep going on.....but I'll stop because you're 18...


I wrote you a song

sprawled over several sheets of torn notebook paper

and post it notes ragged along the edges

worn through with ink

I went through all the hangman games,

drawings, and notes,

and the t.v. guide

I should have taken from the hotel room

I left it laying on the dresser

all our notes open to anyone searching for late night t.v.

It all came down to bedsheets

and alarms,

silent glances, secret smiles

I have mental pictures of your hands,

worn with lines

sketched in your palms

criscrossing, spiraling

And your eyes

hazel in places

sometimes laced with flecks of gold

The ride in the car was too short

the bed too hot for comfort

but somehow inside it all -

the cheesy movies and mosquitos,

trumpets and wedding bells

we got back to 221

and found each other in the dark

happy birthday wonderful.