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The Frugal Life
by Riyou

Get Computer Software for $5.99

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a totally legitimate web site that offered quality, albeit a bit out of date, software for PC and Mac for the cheap price of $5.99. The site Planet CD-ROM will offer you FREE software ranging from print shop suites to games for a $5.99 shipping fee. They also offer discounts if you decide to order four or more titles.

I ordered a copy of the Oregon Trail 5th Edition and it arrived via USPS First Class Mail in a protective mailer a little more than a week from the day ordered. The game worked fine on my Mac and should work fine on a computer running Windows as well.

Overall, this is a great web site for picking up software titles you need and want for an unbeatable price. Offers for some of the same titles on eBay don't even come close to $5.99 priced on Planet CD-ROM. So head over and pick up some great software today!

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