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Runescape-Otaku Central

Hey guys. This is my website! *oooh! aaaah!* It's under construction, and i'm not great at website design, so it may be awhile, unless i can get my best friend Kudo to help me out...*hint hint* So far i have a few sections already planned. For everyone who plays runescape, I have a quest help section and some polls, and, one of my personal favorites, a bounty section, where you can e-mail me telling me who you want killed (in runescape, of course, not real life), and how much bounty you'll pay to that person for defeating them. Then, people can e-mail me accepting the job and i will post when jobs have been accepted or completed. And, for all you otakus out there, I have a TV review section in the planning stages, and maybe a few contests or something...i dunno...whatever, just check in every now and then to see how things are going....thanks!

Site Navigation

My best friend's awesome Otaku Website. It's great for ANYONE and EVERYONE who likes anime...if you don't, leave. now.
MY site about runescape
My wrestling roleplaying game thing. Wrestling fans, check it out. I should have it up and running soon
Fan-art and Some of my pics...also some done by my many (yeah right) friends
Lyrics to some of my favorite songs...don't ask, i had nothing else to do.
My anime section, my second favorite thing!!!
