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                                                                                                                                                                        Last Updated: 5/17/2003

Welcome to My Site!

    Saturday, May 17, 2003

                After months of arduous labor, my site is finally complete! Unlike many personal web sites, mine offers indispensable information which includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    A Little About Me

                     My name is Jeremy; I am 15 years old. I reside in a small Alabama town named Cullman. Not much happens here. People here for the most part just go on about their lives, and about others with the occasional rumors that make their way through. About a year ago we got a new Wal-Mart Supercenter; it was the talk of the town.

                       Some might not like it in such a place while others prefer the abeyance. Personally, I like the lack of crime, the familiar faces, and all of the other things that make it a decent place to live. The only drawback is a lack of big buildings, which in turn means a lack of jobs. But this is the place to own your own business.

                        I attend the local city high school where I am just finishing up my sophomore year. Recently the city voted on a property tax increase to help fund city schools. Much to the dismay of many, the increase was voted down. Our local paper made a big deal about this by putting in the reactions of the supporters the day after. Being the son of a dad who owns a small business, I can understand why the tax was loathed by many.

                          I plan to take over a side of my dad's store when I get older. Currently the part that I want is home to the part where we frame pictures. My plan is to incorporate a small eatery there. It being on a corner of a street is a plus too. As far as education goes after high school, I currently think I'll take some business management courses in order to better run my eatery.

                           For now I will put aside my personal beliefs and focus more on informing you about me. I guess my biggest enjoyment is playing the Xbox  that I got for Christmas in 2001. My favorite game is NBA 2K3 which is online capable over Xbox's online service, Xbox Live. On a side note, you can read my review for this game in the Fun section.


                           I am excited that I have my site up now. You can be certain that I'm going to further update it and offer more stuff. In order for me to better provide for what you want, I will need feedback. You can contact me here to inform me what you want and expect from such a site.

Some Pictures of Cullman

Courtesy of:

Click on the picture for a bigger version.


Tourist Attractions                                                                Businesses

Ave Maria Grotto                                                                        Mary Carter Paint Store                           

                                                                                                                                    The Mortgage Center

For info visit:                                 



Cullman County Museum        




 For info visit:


© 2003       

Pictures are copyright of their respective owners.