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Explosions rock you as you move your Rag takes the brunt of the crossbow missiles fired from the Thor that is moving across the rubble that was once a towering structure a few seconds before.  Your neural helmet sends a shock into your brain as the shock is transferred throughout your Mech.  You switch your weaponry to your lava cannon as the Thor starts to open up on you with his machine guns.  The bullets start to penetrate your Rag's armor as you reach to turn on your shield to stop the Thor's weapons from reaching you.  The comforting glow comes up and an evil smile creeps onto your face as you line up the Rag in you sights.  You pull the trigger and watch in satisfaction as the Thor explodes before you.  You quickly move to claim the salvage left by the  Thor.  Will you be able to make it before your next enemy reaches you....