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Young Royalty || Ocean Avenue
Bio  +  Journal  +  Photo  +  Website  +  Links  +  Book

This website was created by me, Ryan, on August 6, 2003. I wanted to make a place where people could learn stuff about me and see the real me, so I decided on this. I got the name of this site be chance, really. I was talking to one of my friends online one day about a year ago and she told me to check out this one site she was on. I did and it was a site that had the meaning of your name, so I looked up 'Ryan'. Can you guess what it means? Young royalty!

All of the layouts you see here are made by me, so please don't take them. If you would like me to make you a layout, ask, but you must have a detailed description of what you want it to look like. Please don't make it too hard, as I can only do so much. If you don't like my website, then be a mature person and leave. I don't want to hear your crap because I like my site and that's all that matters.


Past Layouts:
Notice how they are all named after songs?

Version 1: Ocean Avenue (August 3003)

© 2003 Ryan
Nothing to be used without my permission