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Travis Penick

Travis was the shy senstive type. "What did you think of Travis?" "He died didnt he?" says Acne Angel, clearly his death has effected everyone. "He was a good guy, kinda weird at times always had a thing for Stan. We were performing at the talent show and he wouldnt keep his eyes off of him. I hated him for that," says Angel. Were you jealous? "Of course I was." Why was that? "Not many people know this but me and Stan had sexual relations while we were on tour." Shocking! "But now he married that dirty slut." Jordana? "Yeah, of course I would never cheat on Frodo." Thank you acne angel. "Its always nice to talk to the fans."

Rest In Peace

Since the death of Travis in March 2002 he's been "sighted" twice and printed in various tabloids, the most famous picture shown above. Maybe we haven't seen the last of Travis Penick...