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Drift Away...............

My mind returns to another time and place
I hear your voice and I see your face
Come with me as I drift away
To that perfect moment on that perfect day
Where passion explodes with just a kiss
Where only you and I exist

Drift away take my hand
Drift away to another land
Drift away on a cloud of dreams
Where passion explodes with just a touch
Where we need each other so much

Drift away, close your eyes
Drift away, claim your prize
Drift away on a cloud of dreams
Where passion explodes with just a kiss
Where only you and I exist
Where passion explodes with just a touch
Where we need each other so much

Drift away, take my hand
Drift away to another land
To another land, take my hand

Drift away.........
Drift away.........

Nancy L. Hedden

Room Built By
On 2/3/2003