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A True Emotion

It all started as a friendship
But through time that feeling
Changed into something more

I tried to ignore that feeling
A feeling that had truly
Gone wrong before

It is a feeling that tortures
Me every time I see you
I can feel my heart beating,
Shouting out for your name

Being with you is
Like being in heaven
Your sweet smile makes
Me forget about
All my problems

Your beauty, something that
Can't be explained
Showed me that I had a
Princes by my side all along

I have tried to hide my
Emotions for so long
I try hard not to show them
My heart longs to be with you
To touch your lovely face
To feel your glowing presence

Fill up my heart's empty space
I hope you find the chance
To place me somewhere in your heart
To be you comforter and your friend

And that feeling which
Hunts me once again
Yes, it hunts me because
I don't have the guts
To tell you that I love YOU