[The show opens up and we see a limo pull up to the Waterville Auditorium. It stops and a scrawny man get out and walks to the backdoor. There he opens the door and out comes Commissioner Storm. He straightens out his jacket and then another man gets out of the limo. It is President Noble. Upon closer look he has a title over his left shoulder.] 

Commish Storm: Are you ready? 

President Noble: Oh Yeah, this is going to be one great night. 

[Noble throws a paper bill at the limo driver and then the two walks into the auditorium. As they do so a small video package is shown of the events of last week. Then the words "NWA presents... SATURDAY SHOWDOWN!" appear on the screen. The camera then pans around the auditorium at the fans. The place is pretty well filled. It is a small time venue so the 90-100 fans in attendance fill it almost to capacity. The camera then shows Shawn Rose and Dennis Hadden at ringside.] 

NWA Saturday Showdown


DH: That must have been the Television title that President Noble had over his shoulder. Tonight he has an announcement regarding the tournament for that very title. 

SR: But don't forget about Commish Storm, he is going to announce the bracket for the tournament tonight as well! We also have a four way elimination match to determine who will get that number one seed in the tournament between Eagle, Mario Stockton, Scorpion, and Tavein Xtreme.  

DH: Yes, I am interested to see how Scorpion fares in his debut. But in other action "Psycho Killer" Jack has TWO, count em, TWO matches this evening. He will be facing Vince Zoom in the first, and "Rap Superstar" G-Money in the later.  

SR: We also have a match that was signed right here last week. Michael Rays will take on Mr. Nastee. And in the main event Eric Ensane goes one on one with one half of Xtreme Aggression, Jason Bla- 

DH: Shawn, sorry to cut you off. But we need to go to the backstage area. Something is going down. 

[We cut to the back and we see a fallen Eagle. He is laying on the ground amongst a rubble of debris from the table he has apparently gone through. Beside his head is a dented steel chair.  He has failed the move the whole time the camera has been on the scene and officials are checking on him.] 

DH: That's Eagle. Someone has taken him out before his four way elimination match this evening. 

SR: Yes, it doesn't look good. We will keep you updated. But right now we need to get the action underway.  

DH: Last week Jack snapped The Dominator's ankle. After seeing what had taken place, Commish Storm went to Jack's locker room to have a little talk with him. Take a look. 

[A video package is shown. First we see Jack just snap The Dominator's ankle into too. Then images of him being carried out of the arena and EMT's working on him flash across the screen. Then a recap of Storm firing Dominator and having a talk with Jack are played. Storm tells Jack he will hurt Zoom like he hurt Dominator and then stop his wrath of carnage, or else. The "or else" is played several times, slower each time. We then cut back to the arena. We see Vince Zoom already standing in the ring. Then "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC plays throughout the arena and all the fans know what that means. Commish Storm makes his way down the aisle with a smug look on his face. He gets down to the ring and rolls in before being handed a microphone.] 

Commish Storm: Hello Vince. Now I know you are wondering, why does Commish Storm hate me so much? Well, I know that is a great question. I mean after that display last week against Eagle, how could someone not like you? I mean you did, ALMOST, get a single offensive move in. Wow. Impressive. But I will tell you why. You see, you are one of the members of this federation that I recruited. Your not President Noble's mistake, your my mistake. You see after our phone conversation in which you verbally committed to the NWA I tried reaching you several more times. I called the cell phone number you gave me daily, but every time they told me the number had been changed. So you went through the trouble of changing you number to avoid contact with me. Then last week before the show you avoided me. I don't like that in my new employees. So you had gotten off the wrong foot right away. Then you went out there and had that wonderful match with Eagle. That is when I KNEW I had to get you out of the NWA. But I don't want to fire you. Why? Because I am too nice of a guy for that. So I have gired Jack to end your career. That is frankly a lot easier then telling you that your fired, Ha. So Vince, have fun. 

[A huge smile fills Storm's face and that is when Zoom attempts to clothesline Storm. Storm ducks it however, and when Zoom turns around he gets super kicked right in the face.] 

Storm: Don't try me. Now get Jack out here and start this match. 

[Storm drops the mic. Then "Whatever" by Godsmack fills the arena. As Jack makes his way to the ring Commish Storm walks over to ringside and joins Dennis Hadden and Shawn Rose are the broadcast booth.] 

"Psycho Killer" Jack vs. Vince Zoom
Written By: Storm


DH: Hello Commish, and welcome to the broadcast booth. 

CS: Thanks Dennis. How are you doing Shawn?

SR: I am doing great, thanks. Looking forward to Jack ending Voom's unimpressive NWA Career.

CS: Now, your seeing things my way. 

DH: Why the extreme hatred for Zoom? 

CS: Where you not just listening Hadden? He was a prick and went out of his way to avoid me. 

DH: So why not just fire him? 

CS: I'm too nice. Now watch the match. 

[Jack stands there and looks at the fallen Zoom. He just shakes his head. Jack then picks Zoom up by the head and puts him in a standing head scissor position. Jack looks around the crowd before hoisting him up into the air and dropping him down with the JACKnife Powerbomb. Jack then walks over to the ropes before stepping over then to the outside. Jack walks up to the announce table right in Commish Storm's face.] 

CS: Go finish your job! 

[Jack just stands there.] 

CS: I gave you an order, Do it! 

[Jack, as if he can't hear the orders, keeps standing there.] 

CS: You will go destroy him, or else! 

[Storm then pulls back and slaps Jack hard across the face. Jack's head jerks back and he glares at Storm. Storm then points to the ring and to Zoom. Jack grabs the steel chair that Storm was sitting in and brings it back into the ring with him. Jack lodges it in between the top and second turnbuckle. He picks Zoom up and whips him into the corner. Zoom's skull smashes off the chair. Jack then grabs Zoom by the hair and raises him to his feet. He hooks him up and drops him right on his head with a brain buster. Jack then stops the beating and looks over at Storm again. Jack continues on the assault by taking Zoom and dropping him down with a DDT. Jack signals that it's over. He puts Zoom in the standing head scissors and lifts him up and drops him down with the JACKnife Powerbomb yet again. He then puts his foot on top of Zoom's chest the and referee makes the count 1, 2, 3!] 

Here is your winner... "Psycho Killer" Jack! 

DH: Well there you go. Zoom was beaten. I hope your happy. 

Storm: Oh, that damn sure isn't good enough! 

[Commish Storm drops the headset and gets into the ring. He get's into Jack's face and is yelling that it wasn't good enough. He wants more. Jack shakes his head. Jack begins to talk out of the ring but Storm grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him around.] 

Storm: You will finish the job! 

[Jack just stares at him. Storm walks over to the corner and grabs the chair. He then walks back and hands it to Jack.] 

Storm: Do it, finish the job.  NOW! 

[Jack, realizing his orders, drops the chair on the ground. He then begins to walk away but stops. He turns around and shakes his head. Vince starts to get up but Jack gives him the big boot sending him back down. Jack then picks up the steel chair and smashes it on the back of Zoom. Zoom screams in pain. While Jack is doing this Commish Storm grabs another chair. He stets them up and tells Jack what to do. Jack puts Zoom in the standing head scissor once more. He picks him up and drops him on the chairs with the third JACKnife Powerbomb. Jack then begins to leave the ring.] 

Storm: Oh, your not done yet big boy! This man will still be able to wrestle. I told you I wanted you to end his CAREER! NOW DO IT! 

[Jack starts getting angry. He looks like he is about to strike Storm but the Commish shakes his head no and points at Zoom. Jack then takes Zoom's head and puts it in the chair. He then took his arms and puts it in the other chair. Jack then stomps right down the chair on the arms. He then stomps it several more times. Easily breaking it.] 

DH: OH MY GOD! That's got to be enough! He just broke is harm! Make it stop! 

[Jack then glares right back over at Commish Storm and then walks over to the head of Zoom where the other chair is.] 

DH: No way! He can't do this! That's just sick! He's done enough! 

[Jack bounces off one rope, then off the other and comes off with a leg drop on the chair!! Zoom rolls around in excruciating pain! EMT's and officials then come running out and circle around Zoom trying to keep Jack away from him.] 

DH: Oh my god! That was disgusting! He had to have broken his neck and arm! 

SR: This has gone way to far! 

["Wanksta" by 50 Cent hits and G-Money comes out wielding a chair. He slides in while Commish Storm jumps out. As Jack is leaving the ring he catches him with a shot on the upper right arm.] 

DH: Thank God! G-Money has cleared the ring of that sick bastard Jack and that manipulating Commish Storm. 

SR: Yes, but he's too late Dennis. 

[Commish Storm, from the top of the aisle way, still has the microphone in hand.] 

Storm: Hey Zoom, I hope you can hear me. I told you I didn't want to fire you because I am too nice of a guy, well, I lied. YOUR FIRED! I hope your broken neck feels good. Oh yeah, and Money, you might face the same fate tonight from the hands of the NWA's MACHINE, JACK! 

[Storm turns around and walks to the back. Jack is slowly behind. G-Money and the officials check on Vince Zoom. Showdown then fades out to a commercial. When we return from commercial we see Zoom being loaded into an ambulance and carried out of a NWA arena for the last time.] 

DH: You never want to see someone serious injured in this business. We want to wish Vince Zoom and his family well. 

[Hole's "Celebrity Skin" blasts out over the arena now, interrupting the announcers. The fans turn to the entrance way, slightly bewildered. Things just seem to get worse from there as two individuals appear from behind the black curtain. Neither of which have been seen before in the NWA. The first is a young man, wearing a white robe, sunglasses with pink lenses and a pink feather boa. Just a step behind him is a cute little number wearing a tight short blue leather skirt, a white long sleeved shirt that reaches just past her breasts and a layer of blue fish net mesh over top of that. Add to this a pair of `hooker boots' with heels and the look is complete.]

DH: I have no clue who either of these people are, do you?

SR: Got me.

[The two make their way down to the vacant ring now and climb into the ring, as the music slowly fades out. The woman moves to the side of the ring and yells at a member of the crew for a microphone, which is promptly handed to her. Smiling, and chewing some gum, she makes her way over to her male counter part and hands over the mic. He promptly hits it with the palm of his hand to make sure it's on and, after producing an obnoxiously loud noise, brings it up to his mouth to speak.]

Man: Ladies and gentlemen, you have been assembled here tonight not to watch this pathetic little excuse for a wrestling show known as NWA Showdown.

[The fans boo him.]

Man: I know, I hate it too. And it's only been on the air for a week. Well, I guess this makes two weeks now. Whatever, it's not like it really matters. You see, if it weren't for my arrival here tonight the show would have soon gone under.

[The fans boo this unknown man who simply nods, as if agreeing with them.]

Man: Yes, I know what you mean! All this lackluster entertainment and such. No pyro, no fancy special effects, no hardcore matches atop the Empire State building. I mean, is this really sports entertainment or is this just wrestling?

[A chant of `wrestling' breaks out over the fans.]

Man: Okay, you all need to shut up now. Obviously I didn't read the sign on the door that read `maximum IQ of 50 to enter' before I came in.

[More booing.]

Man: I know! You love me already! But, contrary to what you're probably thinking, I didn't come here tonight to just let you all look at my beautiful face and body. Nope. Although I am sculpted perfection and all that good stuff, I still need to prove a point here tonight. And it starts with me challenging the entire locker room!

[The fans don't really know how to respond to this. However, the man's female companion jumps up and down, illustrating that she's not wearing a bra, and claps her hands together cheering him on.]

Man: Yes! That's right! I'm putting everyone in the NWA on notice. And you know why? Because I'm better than all of you. It's that simple. Where you morons think you're good, I know I'm great. Do you understand?. I also hear you have this little TV Title tournament coming up. Should I be impressed? Not really. Why? Because I'm better than a TV Title. Hell, I'm as close to being a God as you can get! Do you really think a TV Title will satisfy me?

[The fans boo loudly, one more time.]

Man: I agree with all of you whole heartedly! This crap about making the TV Title something respectable here in the NWA is a load of dung. Everyone knows it will still change hands every week. That is, if I'm not holding it.

[He grins, showing off a set of perfectly white teeth.]

Man: Yes yes. I know. I'm just so amazing. Whatever will I do? Hmm. How about I prove my point about being such a fantastic wrestler by taking on not one, not two, but three of this wrestling promotion's top talents right here and right now?

[The fans cheer loudly for this one. They want to see this guy, whoever he is, get the snot knocked out of him.]

DH: I still have no clue who this guy is, but he's claiming he's going to take on three of the NWA's top talents in a match right now.

SR: This is. all so very strange.

DH: Who do you think will be coming out and facing him?

SR: I guess we'll have to wait and see.

[The man in the ring turns to the woman now and smiles.]

Man: Would you care to be the guest referee for this match?

[She nods frantically.]

Man: Fantastic! Then bring out my victims!

[Some random loud music plays now and no one's even really sure what it is beyond a bunch of guitars and loud bass lines. However, within seconds, three individuals do appear on stage. The entire audience stares on in disbelief though as the three of them run down to the ring.]


[Yes, sure enough, three midgets, or little people, run out from behind the black curtain and make their way down to the ring. They have to use the stairs to get up, but in no time have made their way in. They are all dressed in miniature wrestling outfits and actually look quite comical, as midgets are always prone to look.]

Man: I will now show you all my masterful wrestling skills!

[The midgets swarm the man and begin beating on him. One grabs onto his leg but is quickly disposed of as this unknown man kicks him off. Another of the midgets leaps on his back, but quickly falls as he simply pulls the robe off. The third midget punches him in the kidney, but is met with a sharp elbow to the top of the head which causes him to collapse onto the mat.]

SR: This isn't right.

DH: This man, whoever he is, is making a mockery of the NWA.

[The man takes his pink boa off now and begins choking one of the midgets with it as another tries to get his attention with little closed fists across his back. After the one being choked stops struggling and falls to the mat, the man stands and turns to confront the third midget and the only one still standing. A sharp kick catches the midget in the chest and knocks him down to the ground. The man then grabs the midget and quickly executes a double leg hook piledriver which utterly obliterates the little guy. The man then drags all three midgets and places them on top of each other in the middle of the ring. Putting his foot triumphantly on the pile of little people the woman he's with drops down for the three count.]


[She jumps back to her feet and claps, cheering for her companion's victory. She grabs his arm and raises it in the air as he takes the mic and speaks once again.]

Man: And so my record in the NWA advances to 1-0! Eat your heart out! I am so far undefeated here! And I'll defeat everyone else who gets in my way just that easy.

[The man gives a cocky smile as he grabs his robe and boa and slings them over his shoulder.]

Man: Oh, I suppose I should let all you ignorant fans know who we are, shouldn't I?. This here is my special friend Lizzy Amore. And me? I'm DICK! You'll be getting to know me a lot better in the near future. And why? Because everyone needs dick. You've been great! Have a good night!

[And with that, "Celebrity Skin" by Hole once again blares out over the arena as Dick and Lizzy Amore make their way out of the ring and back up the ramp, leaving the knocked out midgets in the rings.]

SR: Well, I don't even know what that was to be honest. But it looks like we have another talent here in the NWA.

DH: It was certainly weird. But he seemed pretty confident of his abilities.

SR: I got that feeling too. You know, with him challenging the entire locker room and all.

DH: We have a whole lot more show to get to though, so let's be on our way!

[The midgets are helped out of the ring and to the back. After doing so we cut to the back where we see President Noble standing by with NWA announcer, Tracy Sinclair.]

Tracy: President Noble, the four-corner elimination match is next. But earlier we saw Eagle lying among a pile of rubble. Is he going to be able to compete tonight?

Noble: Yes, as a matter of fact he is. Eagle isn't 100% but he has assured me he will be able to go tonight. We wish him luck.

[We cut back to ringside.]

DH: Folks, the following footage was taped earlier today.

[We see Mario Stockton walk out of the Waterville Armory. The crowd of people are outside waiting to get into the building. Suddenly a bus pulls up and 12-16 kids get out of the bus. In the front are Devon and Hank, the boys Stockton met in the park.]

Stockton: Hey guys. I am glad you could all make it. I am so excited to perform for all of you.

[Mario takes out an envelope and hands all the fans a ticket to the show.]

Stockton: Enjoy the show and remember you guys are why I am here!

[Stockton waves to all the fans before walking back into the arena. Then Hadden and Rose are shown again at ringside.]

SR: Oh man. What a kiss ass!

DH: Shut up Shawn! That was a very good gesture. We actually have a wrestler who cares about the fans.

["It's My Life" by Bon Jovi fills the arena and then Mario Stockton emerges from the curtain. The fans pop as they love this man. He make his way down the aisle and slaps all the fans hands as he walks down. He makes a circle around the ring, slapping more hands, before rolling in.]

SR: Look's like Super Mario has some new theme music.

DH: Mario Stockton had a very poor showing last week, but did beat Rampage. He has promised to pick up the pace and based on his special Internet promos, I would have to say I am aboard the Mario Stockton bandwagon.

["Extreme" fills the arena and then Eagle makes his way through the curtain holding his ribs. He holds one arm up in the air before limping down to the ring. When he gets in he climbs to the second rope and holds his arms up for the fans.]

Four Corners Elimination Match
For #1 Spot In TV Tournament
Eagle vs. Mario Stockton vs. Tavein Xtreme vs. Scorpion
Written by: Storm

["Hit em up" by Tupac then plays and Scorpion makes his NWA debut. He has a very dull enterance. He just walks down the aisle, barely noticing the fans. He just rolls into the ring and "After Me" by Saliva hits and the fans go wild. One member of Xtreme Aggression, Tavein Xtreme, makes his way out to the ring. He runs down to the ring, as he stands on the apron to spit his water out, Scorpion nails him from behind. Tavein falls down and nails the ringside barricade.]

DH: This match is underway. Folks the way this match works is, two men will be in the ring, while the other two will be in separate corners.

SR: Anyone can tag in anyone at anytime. It however is not a tag match. It is every man for himself. Once you are pinned or you submit you are eliminated.

DH: The last man left will be the winner and get the #1 one seed next week. He will also get a first round bye in the TV tournament. So let's get this underway.

[The referee makes Scorpion and Stockton get out of the ring. Tavein Xtreme rolls back in as he starts the match with Eagle. The two lock up in the middle of the ring. Eagle gets him in the headlock and flips him onto the mat. Xtreme counters with a head scissors. Eagle gets out of it. Eagle gets up and attempts a dropkick but Tavein throws it out of the way. Xtreme picks him up and locks him in the dreaded headlock. He wrenches down on it a few times before Eagle punches his way out of it. Eagle whips Tavein off the ropes but Xtreme knocks him to the mat with a shoulder block. With Eagle on the mat, Xtreme runs of the ropes, leaps over Eagle. Eagle gets to his feet and leap frogs Tavein as he runs by. Eagle attempts a hip toss but Xtreme blocks it. Xtreme attempts his own hip toss but Eagle this time blocks it. Eagle misses with a clothes line and Xtreme hip tosses him. Eagle gets back to his feet and is sent down with another. This time Xtreme keeps him down with an arm bar. Eagle quickly gets to his feet and rakes the eyes of Xtreme. Eagle runs over and tags out to Scorpion. Scorpion runs in and is met with a his toss of his own. Xtreme locks in that arm bar for a few seconds before stomping at Scorpions chest. After a few stomps he pulls Scorpion to his feet and drops him with a Russian leg sweep. A cover 1, 2, kick out.  Xtreme kicks him in the melon twice before throwing him into the turnbuckle. As Scorpion bounces off Xtreme sends him down with a body slam. Then Xtreme nails Stockton hard.]

DH: I guess that was a hard tag.

[Stockton stares at Xtreme as he gets in. He then strikes Scorpion with a right, then another. Scorpion falls back into the corner after a boot to the midsection. Mario attempts to whip him into the far corner but Scorpion reverse it and sends Stockton into it. Stockton catches and leaps over the running Scorpion. When Scorpion attempts a clothesline, Stockton ducks it and nails a dropkick. A Cover 1, 2, no kick out. Stockton sends him into the corner but Scorpion reverses it and nails him down with a tough right. Ax handle to the back and then Scorpion tags in Eagle. Scorpion holds Stockton and Eagle strikes him across the back. As Scorpion exits to the apron Eagle strikes Stockton right two rights but then Stockton drops him with a drop toe hold. Stockton kicks Eagle in the midsection then comes off the ropes with a scissors kick. The cover 1, 2, no kick out once again. Stockton picks him up, as this is going on Scorpion is over on the outside yelling at Xtreme who is still on the apron. Mario whips Eagle into the ropes but he reverses it and when Mario goes into the ropes he knocks Xtreme off the apron and face first across the barricade. Scorpion laughs and gets back up on the apron. When Stockton turns around Eagle lands a dropkick. He then tags in Scorpion. The two double team Stockton with a whip into the ropes and a double elbow. Eagle exits and Scorpion nails Stockton with a boot to the head. The cover 1, 2, no. Scorpion picks Stockton up and hoists him into the air before driving him down with a suplex. The cover again 1, 2, no kick out again. Scorpion shakes his head and covers again 1, 2, no shoulder up. Scorpion stomps away at Stockton and picks him up and tags in Eagle. Scorpion holds Stockton and Eagle lands a kick to the ribs. Eagle then punches Stockton. He tries again but Stockton blocks it and nails one of his own. Then another and another. Eagle stops the momentum with a knee to the gut. Eagle then runs over and knocks Tavein off the apron with a thunderous right. When he turns around Stockton nails him. He then hits a series of lefts before whipping him into the ropes. Tavein rolls in the ring. Stockton whips Eagle towards Tavein who attempts a clothesline. Eagle ducks it, however, and Tavein almost takes off the head of Mario Stockton.  The referee makes Tavein get out of the ring and Eagle and Scorpion double team Stockton. The whip him into the rope and both kick him in the midsection. Scorpion drops him with a neck breaker and then Eagle comes off the ropes with a leg drop. Scorpion goes for the cover 1, 2, no Stockton gets the shoulder up. As Scorpion is picking him up, Stockton nails a few lefts to the midsection before Scorpion nails him in the back of the head with a forearm. Scorpion then puts him in the corner and does Ric Flair like chops. Several. Scorpion whips Stockton into the ropes, Stockton ducks a clothesline and then they both clothesline each other. Both men are down. They both start to get up and tag out. Eagle and Tavein come in. Eagle misses with a right and Tavein nails his own. And another. After being whipped off the ropes Eagle is sent over Tavein's head via a back body drop. Tavein then runs off and strikes a clothesline. He picks Eagle up, whips him, counter, Eagle tries to leapfrog him but Tavein catches him and drives him down with a sit down powerbomb. The cover 1, 2, no kickout! Tavein grabs his legs and locks him in the boston crab. Scorpion comes in the break it up. Tavein meets him with kicks. He kicks him into the corner. Stockton, after getting his second wind on the apron, comes in and goes after Eagle. He runs off the ropes but Eagle body drops him to the outside. Tavein keeps kicking Scorpion. Tavein turns around, kicks Eagle in the midsection, then drops him with the Xtreme DDT. The cover 1, 2, 3!]

SR: Eagle has been grounded! He is eliminated from this match.

[Scorpion gets right on the offensive with a clothesline. After a few stomps he picks Xtreme up. He whips Tavein into the ropes, but he reverses then hits a flying elbow. He gets up and his dropkicked back down. Scorpion hits a low blow and whips Tavein into the ropes, a flow over by Tavein. He goes for the drop kick but misses Scorpion. Scorpion then grabs his legs and locks in the figure four. Tavein is screaming in pain. This could be it. The referee checks on him. He doesn't submit. Tavein fights over to the ropes and he has to release the hold. Scorpion then drags him back to the center of the ring and when he goes to lock it in again Tavein rolls him up in a small package 1, 2, 3!]

DH: Tavein Xtreme has just eliminated both Eagle and Scorpion! It's down to him and Mario Stockton.

[Stockton gets right in the ring. When Xtreme gets up he runs at him with a flying cross body but Xtreme ducks and Stockton takes out the ref. Xtreme kicks him in the gut then nails him in the temple right a right. He then puts Stockton in the corner he whips him into the far corner but Stockton reverses. Tavein hits the corner hard. Stockton walks over and climbs to the second rope. He looks around at the fans and then begins to punch Tavein in the head. Tavein then pushes him off. Stockton hits the mat hard. When he gets up Tavein kicks him and then drops him with the Xtreme DDT! The cover





Th-.... No Stockton gets his foot on the ropes!

Tavein can't believe it. He had him. Tavein gets into the face of the referee. Stockton starts to get to his feet. Tavein kicks him in the gut and calls for another Xtreme DDT, but this time Stockton nails him in the ribs. Stockton then hits a swinging neckbreaker! Both men are down. The referee starts to administer the ten count. He gets to about eight before both men get to their feet. Tavein runs at Stockton for a spear but he side steps him and Tavein hits his shoulder had against the steel turnbuckle. Stockton then lifts him up on his shoulders and drops him down with the Painful Retribution! The cover 1, 2, 3!]

Here is your winner.... Mario Stockon!

DH: He did it! Mario Stockton is now the number one seed in the TV Title Tourny! He will get a bye and will not be in the first round next week. This also means that none of these three men will be in the tourny!

SR: Man, what a match!

[Stockton gets up to his feet. Tavein rolls out and walks to the back. Stockton calls for a microphone from ringside.]

Stockton: I would just like to thank the fans for supporting me, oh and by the way Chuck Watson, if you keep prediction against me that is fine because I will keep proving you wrong. You keep giving me motivation. Again, thank you fans, your the reason I am here! Thank you!

[Mario drops the mic and Showdown goes to commercial. When we come back we see Hadden and Rose at ringside.]

DH: Ok, that was a great match we just saw. But let's get going on this next one ok? I'm psyched for this. It should be a great match.

SR: I agree, Rays vs. Nastee. oh man this could be great. Take a look at this.

[A video package is shown of the confrontation last week. Then we see the highlights of several great premium on-line promo's from both men. The build-up is great.]

SR: Let's get rolling.

[Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols blasts over the P. A. and the fans come to their feet and start to yell and scream as Michael Rays appears at the top of the ramp. Rays is seen standing there with his arms crossed and his head down. He raises his head and drops his arms to his sides and he walks down to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and goes to one of the turnbuckles, climbs to the second one and raises his arms for the crowd. They cheer wildly and then his music is suddenly cut short. He quickly snaps his head towards the entrance as new music hits.]

Michael Rays vs. Mr. Nastee
Written By: Noble

[Lose Yourself by Eminem starts to play over the speakers and after a few seconds Mr. Nastee is seen coming out from behind the curtain. He walks down the ramp slapping hands as he goes. He gets to the ring and climbs up the stairs. He walks along the apron and get into the ring by climbing between the top and middle ropes. He walks to the center of the ring and raises his arms. He turns his back to Rays with his arms raised and Rays jumps off the turnbuckle and charges him, hitting him in the back of the head with a running clothesline.]

DH What a cheap shot. That cheater, I can't believe he did that.

SR: I can. He's great!!! You have to take advantage of your opponent like that. If Mr. Nastee is going to be dumb enough to turn his back on the man he's fighting, then he deserves it.

DH: Well. that's an interesting way to look at things.

[Back in the ring Rays has Nastee up and is Irish whipping him into the ropes. On his way back Nastee is hit with a big knee to the gut, sending him down to his knees and trying to catch his breath. Not giving his opponent a chance to recover, Rays is on him quick and starts to lay punches to his head. He picks him up and then puts him in a standing head scissors and picks Nastee up and puts him on his shoulders in a powerbomb position. He holds him there and then takes a running step forward and comes crashing down in a diving powerbomb.]

SR: Oh that was devastating. That should be it. If he was smart he'd go for the pin right now.

[As if hearing Rose, Rays quickly pins Nastee. 1. 2. and Nastee barely gets his shoulder up.]

DH: Oh that was close. a near fall this early in the match can't be good for Mr. Nastee.

[Discouraged that he didn't get the pin, Rays picks up Nastee's head by his hair and starts to throw rights, hitting Mr. Nastee square in the jaw each time. On the 6th punch he stops and stands up. Leaving Mr. Nastee in the center of the ring Rays walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up the turnbuckle with his back facing Nastee. He jumps into the air and his feet come around over his head and he lands on Nastee's midsection. He quickly goes for another pin.]

DH: Ouch.. that was a killer moonsault. Man does he have the move down to a "T."

SR: And look how smart he is.. he's going for another pin. One, two, th- NO!!! Nastee kicks out again. I can't believe it.

DH: The will of this young man to win. it's inspiring. Go Mr. Nastee!

SR: Shut up.

[Becoming frustrated that he can't put his opponent away and get the win, Rays once again picks up Mr. Nastee and whips him into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline but Nastee ducks under it and bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring. He comes running back at Rays and jumps, hitting him with a cross body block. Both Rays and Nastee go down.]

DH: If Mr. Nastee can just get up and keep the offense going on his side he can pull this one out.

SR: Yeah, but we all know that won't happen. A bum like Mr. Nastee obviously can't beat someone with the capabilities of Michael Rays. He just got lucky, that's all.

DH: Well, maybe his luck will continue. Look.

[Mr. Nastee is the first to his feet and runs over to the turnbuckle. He climbs up trying to take a page out of the book of Michael Rays and sets himself up to do a moonsault. Rays was playing possum all along though and just as Nastee reaches the top of the ropes, Rays jumps up and runs over, grabbing the back of his jeans and pulling them. Nastee loses his balance and comes crashing down onto the mat. Rays takes advantage of his quick thinking by picking up Nastee and placing his head under his arm. He picks him up and holds him vertically. Then he falls forward slamming Nastee into the ropes. Nastee's midsection hits the top rope and it bounces him up and backwards and he tumbles to the cement floor.

SR: That was a killer move by my man Michael Rays.

DH: Yeah, that was great. he's really something out there isn't he?

[Rays keeps the pace up and climbs the turnbuckles. He crouches on the top turnbuckle and waits for Nastee to slowly climb to his feet. While he is standing there somewhat dazed, Rays stands up, leaps off the turnbuckle and hits a missile drop kick that sends Mr. Nastee back down to the ground. Rays slowly climbs to his feet, holding his elbow and picks up Nastee. He rears back and throws a punch but at the last second Nastee puts up his arm, blocks the punch and throws a right of his own. Stunning Rays, he continues to throw jabs at his opponent. Rays stumbles backwards and his arms flail out. Mr. Nastee grabs his arm and whips him as hard as he can into the steel barricades separating the ring area and the fans.]

DH: Here he goes. Mr. Nastee is all done fooling around with Michael Rays.

SR: Don't worry, Rays will come back from this minor setback.

[Nastee walks over to the crumpled form of Michael Rays and picks him up. He executes a body slams onto the concrete. He picks Rays up again and turns him around. He grabs rays around the waist in a belly-to-back position and then lifts Rays up and over in a German suplex. He doesn't let go though and rolls around and slams Rays with another suplex. With Rays dazed on the ground Mr. Nastee picks him up and rolls him into the ring he follows him in and comes up behind him. He raises his foot and slams it down on Rays' face. He does it again, and again. Rays lies there, trying to recover himself. Nastee drops to the ground and picks up Rays' head. He wraps an arm around his opponent's neck and cinches in a sleeper hold.]

DH: Ha ha, who's laughing now Rose: Huh? Who?

SR: Don't be too sure about it yet. The bell hasn't rung. It's not over.

DH: Oh but it will be. it will be.

[Mr. Nastee keeps the hold tight on his opponent and begins to cut the air off from his brain. Rays starts to loose consciousness and is having trouble breathing. Nastee calls for the ref to check on Rays. The ref comes over and lifts Ray's arm. It drops as dead weight. He lifts the arm again and it falls once more. The ref lifts his arm one last time and lets go. It falls and then suddenly stops half way down. The arm begins to shake and then Rays starts to get stir. He moves a little and Nastee tries to cinch the hold in even tighter. He's unsuccessful though and Rays slowly climbs up to his feet. Bent at the waist he winds up and slams his elbow into the midsection of Mr. Nastee. This loosened the grip slightly, but not much. Rays hits Nastee again and this time the hold is broken. While Nastee is still reeling, Rays runs backwards and bounces off the ropes, he runs at Nastee and hits him with a clothesline the sends him to the ground.]

DH: Damn.. I thought he had it there.

SR: I told that chump Mr. Nastee wouldn't beat a great wrestler like Michael Rays.

DH: Hey, the match isn't over yet. don't get too confident.

[Rays quickly picks up Nastee and bending him over at the waist. He puts his head under his arm and then lifts him into a vertical suplex position. He spins around and then falls backwards dropping Nastee hard onto his back. Rays pick sup Nastee and stands right next to him. He wraps an arm around Nastee's shoulders and locks his leg onto one of Nastee's. He then pulls Nastee back hard in a side Russian leg sweep. With Nastee on the ground Rays drags him to the center of the ring and leaves him there. He runs to the ropes, bounces off and runs back the other way, he hops over Nastee and bounces off the ropes again. The time on the way back he jumps up in a sitting position and then brings his leg crashing down over the throat of Nastee, crushing his wind pipe and making it hard for him to breathe.]

DH: Holy shit! That Michael Rays is sick. he could've killed Mr. Nastee with a move like that.

SR: Hey! Watch your mouth, this PBS, little kids could be watching. And, if Nastee can't take the risk of being in a match with Michael Rays, then maybe he should stay home.

DH: You're right, sorry kids. you didn't hear that from me.

[After the devastating move, Rays picks up Nastee and hits him with a couple of rights and leaves him dazed. Rays turns and quickly runs and jumps off the second rope, he turns and catches Nastee in a Hurricanrana. Nastee flips over and lands on his back nearly knocked out.]

DH: Oh no.. that was a spinning Hurricanrana. it's all over now. we know what's coming next.

SR: That's right, it the Suicide Splash!!!

[Not wasting any time Rays is quickly up on the top turnbuckle facing a nearly lifeless form of Mr. Nastee, he dives off the top rope and lands the Suicide Splash on Mr. Nastee. He immediately hooks the leg and the ref counts 1. 2. 3. the bell rings and Michael Rays stands up and raises his arms.]

Here is your winner.... Michael Rays!!!

SR: Didn't I tell you? I told you Michael Rays would pull this one out. He's the best wrestler we have here in the NWA. He's gonna be the greatest.

DH: Well, he's pretty good but I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's the greatest and the best we have.

SR: You're just jealous because he won and you're guy, that Mr. Nastee, didn't win.

DH: Whatever. Say what you want. I'm not interested in that anymore. I just got word that we are going to have a huge announcement from President Noble tonight regarding the TV Title tournament.

[As the NWA cuts to commercial, the voice of Rose is heard in the background]

SR: What? What kind of announcement.

[The NWA goes to commercial. When we return we see Hadden and Rose at ringside again.]

DH: Welcome back, folks. We now have something very important to announce to you. President Noble will be out shortly to make an announcement on the TV Title tournament.

SR: Well I hope he hurries up and makes this announcement. I've been trying to find out what he's going to say all through the break and it seems no one knows. The only person who knows besides Noble is Storm and he's not telling anyone either.

DH: And what makes you think he would tell you anyways?

SR: Well. me and him are good friends. we go way back.

DH: Yea.. I'm sure you go a long way back.

SR: We d-

[Before he can finish what he is saying "Last Resort" by Papa Roach blares over the P. A. system and the lights dim. A white spotlight comes on and begins to flash and move all throughout the arena. It comes to a stop on the top of the ramp and President Noble strides out from behind the curtain with the TV Title over his shoulder.]

SR: Look, look! He has the TV Title.

[Noble walks down to the ring with a sauntering gait and climbs the ring steps. He walks along the apron and climbs in between the top and middle ropes. He walks to the other side of the ring and gets a microphone from the announcer. He walks back to the ring with a smile on his face and wait for the fans to calm down. Once the do he begins to talk.]

Noble: Welcome to WATERVILLE MAINE!!!!

[The fans cheer loudly at the reference to their hometown.]

Noble: Calm down, calm down. I hope you are all enjoying the show so far tonight. Although it's still early on we've had a great amount of action and there is still more to come. I'm glad to report that we have nearly a sellout crowd tonight. Obviously we made quite the impact last week in Bangor. Although the live crowd was slightly smaller than we had hoped for, it is understandable as to why it was so small. That was our first ever show and no one knew of us. Well, now that I see all the happy faces here tonight, it's obvious that word has gotten out about the NWA because we have about 100 people here tonight!

[Fans cheer wildly again.]

Noble: As you can see, I have here in my hands the TV Title of the Northeast Wrestling Alliance. As you already know we are going to have a tournament to see who will be crowned our first ever champion. You also know that the winner of tonight's fatal Four Corner's match will be given the number 1 spot in the tourney and also given a first round bye. That will be Mario Stockton. But what you don't know is the format for our tournament. Next week we will have the first three matches of the tournament and the week after we will have the two semi-finals matches. As of this point none of these matches have a special stipulation. But of course, with Commissioner Storm around no one knows what will happen next!

[The fans are hanging on his every word. It's so silent you could hear a pin drop as everyone waits to hear this big announcement.]

Noble: But, if you were paying close attention, you'll notice that I said the matches of the first two rounds didn't have any special stipulations. But, that will change in the final round. the round that will decide who will be the TV Champion! Once the final match is here, you and everyone watching at home will be treated to the first ever. ladder match!!!

[The crowd erupts into cheers and begins to stamp their feet.]

SR: Did you hear that?!? Oh my God. that was the biggest bombshell I've heard in a long time. A ladder match. here in the NWA.. I didn't think I'd see that for a long time.

[Noble continues.]

Noble: So now I leave you here to sit and think about what kind of match we will have in three weeks when this title,

[He holds the title up in one arm and spins in a slow circle so all the fans can see what he's holding]

Noble: will be suspended 10 feet about this very ring and the two survivors of the tournament will fight it out for the honor of being not only the first TV Champion, but the first champion period. Oh yea, and the title will be decided in Portland, Maine. the states biggest city and hopefully the biggest draw.

[He tosses the mic out of the ring and the announcer catches it. Noble climbs out of the ring and walks back up to the locker room.]

DH: Wow. did you hear that Shawn? We are going to have a ladder match, in three weeks, in Portland to decide the TV champion.that's amazing.

SR: Yeah. I heard.. and it's more that amazing. it's awesome.

DH: Folks, wow. What a night.

[We cut to the back and see Commish Storm talking to Jack.]

Storm: Now, I know I told you that I wanted you to stop hurting my wrestlers after Zoom. But G-Money had no business being out there and sticking his nose in our business. I want you to take him out.

[Jack nodes his had and begins to walk to the curtain as his match with G-Money is next.]

G-Money vs. "Psycho Killer" Jack
Written by: Noble

["Whatever" by Godsmack starts to blast throughout the arena and a pissed off looking "Psycho Killer" Jack appears at the top of the ramp. He stands there for a few seconds, taking deep breaths. He starts to walk towards the ring and adjusts the glove on his left hand. When he gets in the ring he climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd, who boo loudly and yell obscenities at Jack.]

Hadden: Boy, it sounds like this crowd REALLY doesn't like "Psycho Killer" Jack. I can't imagine why.

Rose: Maybe it's because he's a psycho. and he's doing the dirty work of Commish Storm!

[Jack's music stops playing and "Wanksta" by 50 Cent takes its place over the P. A. system. He comes out from behind the curtain and stops at the top of the ramp. He raises both arms with each fist in three fingers and waves them to the crowd. The crowd cheers wildly. He walks down to the ring smiling as he goes. After climbing into the ring he walks to the nearest ring post, climbs it and waves his fingers at the crowd again. who continue to cheer for him. He jumps off the turnbuckle, turns to face Jack and the bell sound, starting the match]

Hadden: Here we go. This should be a good match. although Jack has already had one match he should be at the top of his game in a match that really counts.

Rose: I hope he is. this guy is great. I'd love to see him break the neck of this stupid rapper wannabe G- Money.

Hadden: Oh my God you're sick. You're just as sick as Jack.

[In the ring Jack and Money are in a lock up. Jack overpowers Money and pushes him to the ground. Money quickly jumps back up and charges Jack who sidesteps him and trips him in a drop toehold. G-Money slams to the mat, hitting his face hard. He rolls over clutching at his face. Jack is quickly on him and picks him up, he whips Money into the ropes and as he's running back Jack picks him up and twirls him around and slams G-Money's back across his knee.]

Hadden: That was an impressive tilt awhirl back breaker.

[Jack picks up his opponent and whips him into the ropes again, this time he tries to execute a clothesline but G-Money ducked under it and bounces off the ropes and executes a cross body block on Jack. They both fall to the ground but G-Money is the first up. He climbs to the top rope and waits till Jack gets up. He jumps and tries for another cross body block but Jack catches him. He turns around and takes two running steps forward and drops G-Money in a devastating running powerslam. Jack gets up, bringing G-Money with him. He bends him over and puts his head between his legs. He picks him up and falls backwards into a sitting position and compacting G-Money's neck on the mat. G-Money falls to the mat, not moving.]

Hadden: That was an unbelievable piledriver. It looks like he's paralyzed G-Money. he's not moving.

Rose: He really is sick. He's actually trying to make himself the only candidate for Northeast Champion.

Hadden: How we he do that?

Rose: By killing all the competition.

[Jack walks over to the turnbuckle and raises his arms to the crowd. They boo. He turns around and miraculously G-Money is standing there, waiting for him. With a look of surprise on his face, Jack catches a super kick right under the chin. Getting caught off guard he falls to the ground and skids to a stop with his back resting against the bottom turnbuckle. G-Money walks over and puts his foot against Jacks throat. He grabs the ropes and uses them for leverage as he pushes on Jack's throat and cuts off his air supply. The ref comes over to break up the hold. G-Money then starts to kick Jack in the head as hard as he can. He pulls Jack to his feet and whips him across the ring into the corner. He immediately follows and hits clothesline. He whips him across the ring again and follows and lands another clothesline.]

Hadden: Wow, G-Money has really turned this match around. Look at that young kid work. He looks like a veteran in that ring.

[While Jack is still in the corner Money climbs the turnbuckle and starts to lay right hands to his head. He gets to 4 with the crowd counting along until Jack pushes his opponent hard and sends him flying onto his back in the middle of the ring. Jack quickly climbs up to the second rope and jumps and brings an elbow crashing down on G-Money's forehead. He picks up Money and leaves him standing dazed in the center of the ring. He runs at the ropes, jumps onto the second one and springs off. While in the air and twists around and hits G-Money in the chest with a drop kick. The kick sends him stumbling backwards and in between the ropes. He falls from the ring and lands on the cement floor outside the ring.]

Rose: Damn that Jack. I thought G-Money had it on this one. Now granted, I don't usually like these loser type wrestlers who are only in it for themselves. The guys like Jack are the real wrestlers but even I can't stand to watch a psycho like him win. I gotta agree with you on this one Hadden and root for G-Money.

[While G-Money struggles to get to his feet Jack heads to the opposite end of the ring. He bends at the waist and waits, when G-Money is fully standing Jack takes off and a run and when he reaches the ropes he jumps between the top and middle ones and hit G-Money square in the mouth with his shoulder. Both men fall to the ground and roll around in pain. G-Money grabbing his chin and Jack his shoulder.]

[Both men get to their feet at the same time and begin to exchange rights. Jack wins the battle and grabs G-Money's arm. He pulls G-Money towards him and then keeps him moving and whips him into the rings steps. They clang loudly as they break apart due to the impact of G-Money's body. Jack goes over and grabs a piece of the ring steps and raises it high above his head. He brings it crashing down on G-Money's leg and he yelps in pain while grabbing at the leg. Jack raises the steps again and brings them down on G-Money's leg. Jack picks up his opponent and walks over to the ring while G-Money hobbles on his hurt leg. Jack rolls his opponent into the ring. Jack slides under the ropes and wastes no time in going after G-Money. He walks up to G-Money and grabs his foot. He raises it high above his head and then brings it crashing down to the mat. Money continues to writhe in pain as Jack works over his knee.]

Hadden: It's not bad he not only ended the career of one man tonight and very nearly his life, but now he's trying to ruin G-Money's career by breaking his leg. He's just sick.

[Jack sets up G-Money and then puts him in the figure 4 leg lock. He wrenches it in and G-Money cries out in pain. Letting his shoulders fall to the mat the ref is forced to count the pin 1. 2.. G-Money lifts one shoulder and the ref stops. To take another break G-Money lets the shoulder fall. The ref counts again 1. 2.. G-Money lifts the arm again. Not wanting to give in Money starts to crawl his way towards the ropes. He finally reaches them and grabs the bottom rope. Jack is forced to break the hold. Jack goes over to Money and helps him to his feet, and then he mercilessly kicks the leg out from under him. G-Money goes down hard.]

Hadden: And G-Money goes down hard again! Jack is really taking it to his opponent's knee. If he doesn't stop soon G-Money is gonna have serious problems with that knee of his.

[Jack picks up G-Money one more time and whips him into the ropes. He runs at Money while Money is running at him and then Jack delivers a vicious spear. He hits Money hard enough at the was to make him literally fold up and fall to the ground. Jack goes for the pin 1. 2.. and G-Money gets his shoulder up at the last second. Pissed off Jack grabs the back of G-Money's head and picks it up, then he slams it violently into the mat. Looking extremely pissed off now, Jack picks up Money, puts him in a standing head scissors position and then throws him up on to his shoulder and brings him crashing down in a JACKnife powerbomb. He goes for the pin and the ref counts 1. 2. 3. The bell sounds and Jack gets up, walks to the corner and raises his arms. The crowd boos and he leaves the ring and walk to the back. Just as he reaches the top of the ramp G-Money is just starting to get to his feet.]

Here is your winner... Jack!!!!

[Jack turns around and walks back down the aisle. He gets back into the ring and stikes G-Money back down to the mat. G-Money rolls out of the ring and Jack is quick to follow him. Jack picks him up high in the air and drops him down across the barricade. G-Money grabs at his jaw. Jack then picks him back up and throws him face first into the turnbuckle. G-Money is lying there and blood starts coming out of his mouth. Jack then walks over and grabs a steel chair. He walks back over and smashes G-Money in the face with it. After this officials come running out and circle around G-Money so Jack can't get to him further. Jack, satisfied with his work, walks to the back. Showdown goes to commercial.]


[When we return we see Jack walking in the back. He walks up to Commish Storm, who has a huge smile on his face, and shakes his hand. We then cut back to the announcers.]

DH: What kind of alliance have they formed?

SR: I don't know, but Jack is a machine. But, we are short on time, bring on the next match.

Jason Blaze vs. Eric Ensane
Written By: Noble

[The lights in the arena go out and red and orange spot lights and strobe lights begin to flash around the arena. Then "Bodies" by Drowning Pool blares over the speakers and the fans start to shout and cheer for Jason Blaze. Blaze walks out from behind the curtain with his beautiful wife, Heather, on his elbow. They pause for a second as Jason lets the crowd admire how good looking his wife is. Then he starts to walk down the ramp and Heather follows a few steps behind.]

Rose: Wow. that Heather really is something else isn't she? I'd sure like to get my hands-

Hadden: Hey, watch it huh? We're keeping this rated PG for all the little kiddies watching at home.

Rose: Oh yeah. that's right. Sorry to all you parents out there.

[Blaze gets to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Heather walks up the steps and then bends over and gets in under the middle and bottom rope, giving the fans a good view of her fine ass. She walks up behind Blaze and raises her arms while he flexes his arms for the crowd. They cheer wildly. Then his music stops and the beat of "Changes" by Tupac replaces the head banging sound of Drowning Pool. When they hear the sounds the fans begin to boo loudly. Eric Ensane comes out at the top of the ramp and raises his arms so the fans know he's a "winner." He runs down to the ring and hops up just as Heather is getting out of the ring. The bell sounds and the match starts.]

Hadden: Ok, here we go. This match pits a fan favorite against someone they hate with a passion. This match could be an instant classic here in the NWA.

[Ensane puts his hand out in a gesture of good will. Blaze looks at him skeptically and then reaches out his own hand. They clasp hands and suddenly Ensane yanks Blaze towards him and hits him with a left fist on the side of the head. The fans boo and Blaze drops to one knee. Ensane doesn't let go though and pulls Blaze back to his feet. He hits him in the head again and Blaze drops once more. Ensane pulls him to his feet again and this time whips him into the ropes. Blaze reverses it and sends Ensane bouncing off the ropes. Blaze bends at the waste waiting for Ensane to come back but Ensane stops running and kicks Blaze in the throat. Blaze stands up clutching his throat and is reeling backwards. Ensane charge Blaze and gives him a big boot to the chin. Blaze falls flat on his back on the mat. Not letting a good opportunity go to waste Eric drops down and pins Blaze.]

Rose: One, two, thr- No, Blaze gets a shoulder up just in time. It won't be over that quickly today.

[Ensane stands up and picks up Blaze. He whips him across the ring and into the corner. He follows him, running full speed and hits an avalanche. Jason Blaze gasps as the wind is knocked out of him. Ensane grabs Blaze's arm and whips him across the ring again and follows, delivering another avalanche. Ensane backs off and Blaze takes two steps forward and then falls flat on his face. Ensane rolls Blaze over and leaves him in the middle of the ring. He goes to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top one. He stands up and just as he's about to jump Heather climbs up onto the ring apron and pulls Ensane's left leg out from underneath him. He loses his balance and fall spread eagled onto the ropes. He reaches down and grabs his crotch in pain. He falls forward landing in a heap on the mat. Blaze gets up and goes over to his wife, who is still standing on the apron, and gives her a kiss and a pat on the ass. She hops down and Blaze gets to work on Ensane.]

Rose: Why, that cheating-

Hadden: Remember. PG.

Rose: That's right. well. she's a cheater!

[Blaze picks up Ensane and while standing jumps up and gives him a drop kick in the chest. The force sends Eric back into the corner. While he's slumped there Blaze takes a few steps back. Blaze runs straight at the ropes, jumps onto the second one, pauses for a moment and then springs at Ensane. He wraps one arm around Eric's head and continues to spin around, he then falls forward bringing Ensane with him and dropping a devastating bulldog onto his opponent. Ensane hits the mat hard and the force bounces him up and onto his back. Blaze wastes no time in continuing to attack his opponent. He's up quick and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He takes aim at Ensane and then jumps as high as he can and Five Star Frog Splash directly on Ensane's chest. The impact hurts them both though and Blaze rolls off of Eric, both men trying to catch their breath. While her man is down Heather slams on the mat cheering for Jason to get up.]

Hadden: That was a great frog splash I haven't seen something executed like that in a long time.

[Blaze starts to stir and he crawls over to Ensane and drapes an arm across his chest. The ref quickly starts to count, 1. 2. but Ensane lifts his shoulder. Blaze gets to his feet just as Eric Ensane is dragging himself to his knees. Blaze goes over to Ensane and wraps an arm around his neck, he picks him up the rest of the way and then lifts Ensane vertically and falls backwards. Ensane slams of the mat with an echoing thud. Blaze, fully recovered now keeps the pace up and picks up Ensane. He whips him into the ropes and then sticks out his knee catching Ensane in the midsection and flipping him over onto his back. With Ensane on his back Blaze runs to the ropes and bounces off of them, he jumps over Eric Ensane's motionless body and when he gets to the other side he jumps onto the second rope once more and flips over backward hitting an assai moonsault.]

Hadden: That move was executed to perfection. That's what you like to see and pay to see. Great wrestling skill like that.

[With the wrestlers bell-to-belly, Blaze hooks his opponents leg and the ref counts again, 1. 2.. and again Ensane gets a shoulder up to break the count. Upset, Blaze jumps up and begins to argue with the ref. They stand toe-to-toe and Blaze has his back to Ensane. Just as Heather starts to yell to Jason that Ensane is getting up, he grabs Blaze and turns him around. He kicks Blaze in the midsection and gets him to bend over. He pulls his opponent's head in between his legs and grabs the back of Jason Blaze's pants. He pulls them up as he falls back and crashes Blaze to the ring in a piledriver. Both men fall to the mat yet again and lay there for a moment. This time though they are up at the same time, and in an attempt to gain the upper hand each start to exchange rights. Ensane, being bigger and stronger over powers his opponent and knocks him to the ground.]

Hadden: That was a loosing battle for Jason Blaze. He should've had more smarts as a wrestler than to try and win a fistfight with a man as big as Eric Ensane is.

Rose: And that's why Ensane is going to win this match. He's smarter than Blaze and will outsmart him to win. Ha ha.

[Blaze quickly jumps to his feet though and is hit with another right that sends him back down. He rolls, jumps up and charges at Ensane. Blaze dives forward and hits Eric with a spear. The force knocks the wind out of Ensane and he drops to a knee grabbing his midsection. Blaze gets up and walks over to where Ensane is kneeling; he looks down, raises his arm and delivers a backhand to Ensane's cheek. Ensane falls to his stomach on the mat and Blaze pounces. He grabs his opponent's ankle and cinches in an ankle lock submission. Ensane's face scrunches up in pain as he reaches feebly for the ropes. His arm reaches as far as it can and falls a few feet short of the rope. He grimaces even more as Blaze tightens his hold on the ankle. Not giving up though, he starts to crawl his way towards the ropes. He succeeds at first and gets as far as his fingertips brushing the ropes. Not letting him get any further thought Blaze pulls him back to the center of the ring and cinches in the hold even hard. Fighting the thought of quitting, Ensane begins to roll over onto his back. He gets there and kicks Blaze in the face. Blaze stumbles backwards but doesn't let it faze him. He runs back at Ensane and it met with another kick, this time in the gut. Ensane is up and bounces off the ropes. He runs at Blaze and jumps, hitting him with a Lou Thesz Press and then starts to pummel his face with punches while they are both on the ground.]

Hadden: And the tide of the match turns AGAIN. I can't believe this. So far this match has been all we could ask for and then some.

[Blaze lifts his legs up and locks them on Ensane's shoulders, he pulls down and puts Ensane into a pinning position. The ref counts 1. and before he can even get to 2 Ensane kicks out. He jumps up and just as Blaze gets to his feet Ensane runs at him and clotheslines him. He picks up Blaze, puts him in a standing head scissors and lifts him up and slams him down in a powerbomb. Ensane runs up to the turnbuckle and hops up onto the top one in a smooth motion. He turns around and then flies through the air and lands an elbow onto Blaze's forehead.]

[In an attempt to help out her man, Heather jumps up onto the apron and gets the refs attention. He goes over to where she is and attempts to stop her from getting in the ring. Ensane pins Jason, but when no slap of that hand on the mat comes, he gets up and wonders what is going on. He looks over to the ref and seeing he is preoccupied goes over to him and starts to yell at Heather. Just at this time Jason Blaze gets up and runs at Ensane. Eric hears him coming though and sidesteps him, pushing him into the ref. Blaze's elbow cracks the ref across the head and he falls back into Heather. Heather falls off the apron and hits her back against the barricades. She slumps to the floor only semi-conscious. The ref was not so lucky though and is knocked out cold. Just as Blaze turns around he is kicked in the gut and picked up and put over Eric's shoulder. Ensane runs forward and slams Blaze down. The wind is driven out of him and he lays motionless for a moment. Ensane is about to continue when all of a sudden Michael Rays comes out from under the ring wielding a baseball bat.]

Hadden: Oh my God! Look, it's Michael Rays. Was he under the ring for the whole match?

Rose: He must have been. That cheater. look he's going to help Jason Blaze win and that's the ONLY way Blaze can win, by cheating. I know and everyone else knows that Blaze can't beat a man with the talent of Eric Ensane.

[Rays slides into the ring and taps Ensane on the shoulder. He turns around and his eyes get wide in surprise as he sees Rays standing there with the bat. Rays takes the bat and jabs it at Ensane and hits him in the stomach. Eric keels over and clutches his stomach. He looks up just as Rays hits him again. This time in the arm. Ensane falls to the ground grabbing at his arm now. Rays walks over to him, raises the bat and swings it down onto Eric's ribs. There is a loud thud as the bones of Ensane's ribs stop the movement of the bat. Ensane cries out in pain and grabs at his ribs again. Not letting up, Rays lifts the bat high above his head and brings it down on Eric's ribs again.]

Hadden: Look how vicious he's being. That's 3, 4, 5, 6 times with that aluminum bat to the ribs of Eric Ensane.

Rose: I know Ensane personally and he's one of the toughest guys I know, but there is no way anyone is this tough. those shots have to be taking their toll on his ribs.

[Rays brings the bat over his head ones last time and slams it down on Ensane's chest. Blaze runs over and points to the ref, who has started to stir, and Michael Rays takes one last look at Eric Ensane and then climbs out of the ring and runs up the ramp and to the back. When the ref gets up and looks around to see what is going on, he sees Blaze laying punches to his opponent's head and Ensane grabbing at his ribs. Blaze leaves Eric standing in the ring, bounces off the ropes and spears him for good measure.]

Rose: It's not bad enough that Michael Rays probably broke all of Eric Ensane's ribs, but now that sicko Jason Blaze is giving him a spear to cause further damage? That's just wrong.

[Blaze picks up Ensane who is rolling on the ground in pain. He is left standing in the ring dazed as Blaze super kicks him in the chin and knocks him to the ground. Not letting up, he walks over picks up Ensane, puts him in a standing head scissors and raises his arms to the crowd, they cheer for him like they did when he came to the ring and a smile crosses his face. He then drives out any remaining will in Ensane to fight by hitting him with the Blaze Driver. He rolls Ensane onto his back and pins him nonchalantly. The ref counts 1. 2. 3. The bell sounds and Blaze stands up and raises his arms. The crowd cheers and yells for him and he walks over to the ropes. He jumps over them and to the floor, walks over to where Heather is just starting to get up from and they walk up the ramp arm in arm.]

Here is your winner... Jason Blaze!

Rose: Well I guess it's all over now. That cheating S.O.B. Jason Blaze just stole that win out from under the nose of Eric Ensane.

[The ring gets cleared and the crowd is still buzzing from the action packed night we have had so far this evening. All of a sudden "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC and that only means one thing, Commish Storm is coming out to announce the TV tournament brackets he promised. Sure enough, Storm walks out with VooDoo at his side. All of a sudden we see Jack walking behind. The three of them walk down the aisle and enter the ring. VooDoo then walks over and gets a microphone. She hands it to Commish Storm.]

Storm: Hello again Waterville. I hope you guys all enjoyed tonight show. But next week it all starts, the TV title tournament. Next week we will be in Augusta, Maine! Our show will be in the Cony High School gymnasium. That is where the TV title tournament will begin. We will be having three opening round matches. I am here to announce them. First, we have Mario Stockton. He earned the right to get a first round bye. So he will not be wrestling next week. But then we have to decide who Mr. Stockton will face in the second round. So, he will face the winner of the first match. That match will be Jason Blaze taking on Mr. Nastee.

[The crowd pops at the announcement of that match.]

Storm: That brings us to the next two first round matches. That's four spots. Which wrestlers will fill these four spots? Well, one of them is standing right behind me. That's right, my prot‚g‚ "Psycho Killer" Jack will be in that second match. His opponent? The man that defeated Mr. Nastee tonight, Michael Rays! That's right, Jack vs. Rays. That leaves us with one match left. This match will be newcomer, Dick, against Eric Ensane! It could be three great first round matches this week. I hope you will all be in Augusta next week to watch this great NWA action. Thank you!

DH: There you have it. Blaze/Nastee, Jack/Rays, and DICK/Ensane. What a first round! I can't wait!

SR: Me neither, hope you will all tune in next week. Goodnight!

[As Storm, VooDoo, and Jack walk to the back the screen fades out.]