NWA Staff

NWA Owner/CEO Rip Noble

Name: Rip Noble

Age: 43

Look: Tall, 6'3", 6'4", built muscularly... weighs 217. Has short hair cut in a flat top style. His hair is black with gray spread throughout.. giving it a salt and pepper look

Personality: Easy going when he's with friends, but when it comes to dealing with employees and his company, very serious and leaves no room for error. Also, rules with an iron fist, if you don't like his way then get out cause he's not changing his mind.

Background: Born and raised in Augusta, Maine, Rip had a love of wrestling all his life. Although his family wasn't rich they were well off and he led a comfortable life. That is until he turned 18. At that time he graduated high school and wanted to skip college to become a professional wrestler in the then small market WWF. His parents however refused and demanded he go to college. When he said no, they threw him out and cut off his supply of money. Even though he was dirt poor, he didn't let it stand in his way. He went and began to train at the local wrestling school. At first he trained for free in return for paying the trainer later, after he had earned some money. In order to live and eat he got work with a construction company. He would work long days and then train long nights so he would reach his goal of making it to the WWF. Finally all his hardwork paid off and he was called up from a small independent promotion in New England. He made his debut in front of a hometown crowd at the Boston Garden. But, in just his second match he had a horrible accident. While doing a routine move, he tore up his knee. He tore is ACL and MCL, after surgery and six months of rehabilitation, doctors told him he would never wrestle again.
Heartbroken he went back to his small indy fed and got a job in the front office. At first he started out on the bottom of the later, (once again), but soon worked his way to ring announcer, tv commentator and finally commisioner. It was at this time that he had saved up just enough money to start his own fed. For 4,000 dollars he bought a ring and had it installed in his garage. He advertised all over the New England region and when he had enough raw talent, he started the Maine Wrestling Federation. It started small, too small. It failed miserably and Rip was at a crossroads. After being out of the buisness for 2 years he couldn't take it anymore. The calling was too much for him. He decided to give it another go as the head of a federation. Behind the backing of an unknown source he has gotten enough money for equipment and money to tour New England in Maine, Vermont, NH, and Massachusetts. He has also signed with all 4 starts local PBS station's and they will air and weekly NWA show every saturday night at 11 p.m. Rip hopes this run as owner is a little more seuccessful then his last.


NWA Commissioner Storm

Name: J.R. Storm

Age: 28

Look: J.R. Storm is a young, fairly built man. He stands 6'3, 240 pounds. He has short brown hair ala Randy Orton. He is very tan and often just likes to wear cut off NWA T-Shirts and blue jeans around. But for TV Tapings he will occasionally dawn some more respectable attire.

History: J.R. Storm wrestled in several independent promotions such as R.A.W., IWF, and HWA. He has had a some what successful career but decided to take more of a front office role when he was approached by President Noble. He hopes to be a successful Commissioner for a successful promotion.

