NWA Help Page


Here are some tips that we could give you to help improve yourselves as e-wrestlers, whether you are in our fed or not. We also thought that by using these skills you'd increase your chances at success. We know that not all of you may need this information but, we are making this page so everyone can get the help whenever they need it.

#1: RP Content.

After analyzing the role-plays for this weeks show, it came to our attention that some people are confused about how to put across a good and insightful RP. A major problem that happens throughout e-wrestling is that people focus too much on "beating the living sh!t" out of their opponents. A good role-player knows how to mention their opponent, their upcoming match, and their plan to deal with that opponent while tying all that into an RP that will keep your opponent and everyone who is reading it interested in what you've said. An RP is not just you going to the ring and bashing your opponent... You want to generalize more than single out your opponent. There is really no right way to RP but there are bad things that you want to avoid... they are:

-Staging your RP in the arena: The arena is not going to be open all the time for the use of our fed. Therefore you won't be able to go in there before the event and cut a promo. If you want to use the arena... send in a segment that happens before the show starts but on the same day of the show (we'll talk about Segments/Strats/Feuds in a minute)
-Using other people in your RP: This is a big problem if you don't have that person's permission. If you use someone in your RP to further a feud or start one, you need to make sure you have the permission of that person.
-Being repetitive: I don't know how many RPs I've read (not just from this fed) in which the RPer starts his RP claiming to kick all ass, says the same thing 8 more times, then ends the RP... that is just not the way to do it. Try to avoid stating the same things over and over again.

One thing that I MUST stress is the importance of proper use of grammar. When someone reads an RP that is full of misspelled words, improper use of commas, and improper use of capitalization, it sends the message that the RPer isn't very intelligent. Having a few mistakes is ok, but when the RP is full of them, then it takes away from the quality of your RP, it makes it hard to read and even harder to understand.

***Much thanks goes to alcholisgood@hotmail.com, most of the following information came from a site managed by him.***

#2 Segemnts

A segment is anything a wrestler does that ends up on the show. For example, last week we had a Mr. Nastee and Michael Rays confrontation in the backstage area. That is a segment. It is better that you send these in yourself though so they are done how you want them and to get across the ideas that you want to convey to those who will read it. A segment can be basically anything you want. There are no restrictions on this. 

Examples of segments are: 
-Back stage interviews with an announcer
-Interfering in another match
-A "previously taped" segment
-Interviews in the ring
-Attacks on other wrestlers with that wrestlers permission

#3 Strategies (Strats)

A strat is something that is sent in weekly by the wrestlers and can include many things. A lot of strats include segments. Depending on who you are, your tastes for strats may differ. This is fine... there is no right or wrong.. the most important thing of a strat is that it shows your involvement to the fed. For anyone that sends in a strat, make sure to include some basic information. You need:
-Wrestler name
-The match they are involved in
-Basic mindset for the match (how they feel going into it, this should be no more than two or three sentences). 
-Plans for the match (possible interference, how they might handle interference, countering your opponent's moves, spots you would like to see your wrestler perform or have performed on them, etc.) 
-Match outcome (how you would like to see the match end, how your wrestler would react to a win or a loss)

***again, thanks goes to alcholisgood@hotmail.com, these example strats come from him.***

Basic Strat: http://capitolcitywrestling.tripod.com/strat_basic.txt
Intermediate Strat: http://capitolcitywrestling.tripod.com/strat_intermediate.txt
Advanced Strat: http://capitolcitywrestling.tripod.com/strat_advanced.txt

It's important to note that these examples are exactly what needs to be done.. they are a guide and you shouldn't let yourself me limited.. express yourself in any way you think would help liven up the fed... that's why we have these things.. so you guys can get involved.

#4 Outcomes

Please don't complain if a match doesn't go your way. It is however ok to talk to the President or Commish and ask for a reason as to why you lost. But do not complain. This will make you a much more pleasurable talent to have around any e-fed. A lot of things are taken into account when deciding who wins a match here in the NWA. We look are QUALITY of role-plays (Content, Spelling, etc. NOT how many role-plays you posted for the event. One GREAT role-play always beats two Ok ones), how the person is developing their characters, any feuds that are going on, everything. We will also make you lose if it will help and further your current feud. A lot of things go into the outcomes, so remember that.

#5 Feuding

It is important that you come up with your own feuds. We will try to come up with some angles, but because of limited time due to writing matches and other fed duties, it's hard to devote enough time to coming up with good angles. 

It's easy enough to start a feud right now... while the fed is still young and angles haven't really developed. Pick someone, talk to them about starting a feud and then make a few segments and strats that show your characters' feud beginning. You can find the screenames and e-mail addresses' of all the NWA superstars in the Contacts Page. So find someone, talk to them, and get a feud started.

Another thing to remember is that if you are sending in a strat, segment, or angle send it to both myself and the Commissioner.

That's all and hopefully this will help you succeed.

