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For Nathan

March 26th- Today you left. I feel as though my world is empty. I was OK for the past two days because I knew your were only a little ways away. But know I know you are traveling far and it makes me more nervous. The only thing helping me smile is knowing what lies ahead when you return. I love you, I love you, I love you!

March 27th- Today is Easter. I wish you were here. I am planning to go to church and then we are going to Barbara and Jim's for a cookout. I am looking forward to next week. I think it will go by fast because I am planning on packing after school. I don't it will make me upset to pack because I am so excited about getting into the new house and getting it ready for you. I Love you! Happy Easter!
March 28th-Hey Baby! It's Monday...Yuck! It was a pretty busy day. It started with a thunderstorm this morning...then I woke up late. I went to the store to make some phone calls. I cancelled my cell phone, I called Bethlehem church(no word yet), I called and had the meter turned on, I called the electric people to have them come out and set up the electric stuff. I also tried to call the Parish hall in town but no one answered. I heard it is a really pretty place to have a reception but I'm not sure if they'll allow us to have a champagne fountain. Then I had to listen to dad preach to me about setting the date so close to you coming home. He said hes afraid its very possible that you may be away for a few extra months and that we would be wasting alot of money and time by doing all of this stuff. He thinks we should wait until you get home to plan. Oh well...I say if's only a few deposits and I will know at least by the end of September and maybe I can reschedule a few things. Then I went to school to finish lesson plans, I vacuumed out my car, I washed clothes, I am going to wash the dogs, and then I am going to praise practice. Busy day..huh? And tomorrow I have to go back to school. I think about you non-stop and I miss you so much. I check my e-mail at least ten times a day hoping to hear from you. Can't wait to hear from you soon...I LOVE YOU!

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