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Klan of the Dooms is one of the strongest guilds in the world Trimera. The leader , Doomkiller , is swedish.

If YOU want to join the guild , then notice that we dont recruit anyone at the moment

History of the Dooms

The pictures above represents (from left)= Aenod,Rakkasha,Heliath,Magnasith and Kerrakopf.The top picture is Doomkiller himself.

For many centuries ago,dangerous creatures walked the world.These where known as Doomenians,evil creatures who could break into the minds of others and control their will.Elves and Men and Dwarves trembled in fear as their brothers and children where corrupted and taken by this evil force.Some Elves however, resisted the dark plauge and managed to kill most of the Doomenians and drove the rest out of their world.The evil creatures who had survived waited in dungeons in the dark with their evil leader, Khaine,for many years,until one day , when a young elf named Sindarin and some of his friends, were out on a expedition to explore the lands far away from their homeland.The Doomenians took over their will and strength and Sindarin became Doomkiller, Son of Khaine and his friends became Lords of Murder.Today, the Doomenians wander towards the New World together with their master and anyone who oppose them falls into darkness to become a warrior of doom.........

The Battle for the Knifes of the Dead

Once upon a time,Rakkasha was sent out on a mission to retrive the Knives of the Dead by our great master,Son of Khaine.With her, she took the 7 first members of the Black Guard.On a great dragon,they flew far to the east,to the lands of The Everliving. There,they fought a grand battle at the slopes of Mt. Hereliesadeadmanwithdangerousknives against hordes of ghouls and witches.Rakkashas magic was far beyond the power of mere witches and she sudden deathed them with great skills.And explosions were cast upon the ghouls and after almost 1 hour,no ghoul was left in a radius of 300 squaremeters.The surviving witches flew away on brooms and Rakkasha and the Black Guard entered the crypt of Deadman Iam.In there , they met a dangerous foe,the Deadman himself in the shape of a demon.Three members of the black guard ,Hairal,Hermodien and Teckilaus, was killed by the deadly sword this demon wielded.But after a long fight,Rakkasha managed to steal the knives from the demons pocket and she used the deadly magic that were bound within the knives to kill the demon and bannish it to hell forever. Rakkasha stepped out of the crypt with a smile on her face,but it was swiftly changed to a open mouth of astonishment.Looking out from the grear door of the crypt,Rakkasha saw a giant army of swift High-Elves marching towards her.The general over this army was noone but Teclis himself,High Loremaster of The White Tower.He had heard of the knives and of Rakkashas quest and knew that if Doomkiller got them, Ulthulan (the homeland of elves) would soon be attacked again.Mustering all his magic, Teclis slaughtered Rakkasha right were she stood, full of astonishment.He also dispelled most of the magic on the knives,but one of the members of the Black Guard took up the knives and jumped up on the dragon and flew away.The rest of the Black Guard were left there, and where at last killed by the High-Elf horde.When the Black Guard returned and told Doomkiller about this,the Son of Khaine became angry.He told Heliath to muster his forces to attack Ulthulan one last time and kill Teclis and his brother,the almighty Tyrion......

The Battle of Ulthulan

Heliath brought over 10.000 warriors to Ulthulan in boats.They marched deep into the High-Elven realm and slaughtered anyone who stood in their way.It is said that over 1.900.000 High-Elves died during the march to The White Tower.When Heliath and his forces reached the great tower,they saw the greatest army they had ever seen.Over 5.000.000 High-Elven soldiers stood there to greet them with arrows and swords and spears.The Dark host charged the army.Before they reached the first ranks of the elves, arrows flew trough the air and many evil men and women died.But the evil ones where superior in close combat and for every dark soldier that had been shot,five High-Elves where killed.But now Teclis and Tyrion entered the battle and the dark warriors where at last defeated in this great battle.But Heliath would never flee,and so he challenged Tyrion on a fight, one-on-one.In this fight,Heliath's great axe cut a deep wound in the belly of Tyrion.When Heliath prepared to cut the head of his oponent,Teclis cheated and casted fifteen explosions on Heliath to save his brother, and Heliath was killed by the light magic of Teclis.From that day,every member of the Klan of the Dooms hates Teclis because of this cheating and even more because of the death of Heliath.........

Magnasith the Assasain

When Teclis was in the far west,in the jungles of Lustria, Doomkiller sent his best assasain,Magnasith,to assasinate him.Magnasith rode a big black horse.On it,he quickly reached the High-Elf camp.There,he lurked in the shadows until Teclis passed by.He tore seven wounds in Teclis but Teclis flew away on magic,so he wasnt dead yet.Magnasith searched the lands for him and he caught up with Teclis when he was sitting on the grass next to a tree.Magnasith rose his blade for the kill...

"Now you have SD your last Dark Warrior"

" /cough cough\ You shall never conquer the land of Ulthulan /cough cough\"

" Die, elf of The White Towe---- "

Exactly at the moment when Magnasith slashed with his sword,Tyrion came riding on his mount and parried the blow with exellent speed and quickly stuck his sword in Magnasith's head before he had finished his sentence.

Come , brother.Let us go to The White Tower to heal your wounds.........

Kerrakopf The Ghost

Among the dark warriors of doom with special abilties, Kerrakopf is the most uniqe.He can take form as a ghost.Once upon a time, he flew far into the land of Ulthulan to finnsih what Magnasith could not.With great skill,he sneaked through many camps and past many patrols.When he,at last, reached the White Tower,he saw the High Loremaster Heinkenine standing in the forest surrounding the lake.He sneaked upon her back and his sword cut off her head.After that , he assasinated seven members of The High Counsil,nine White Lions,and thirtheen Phoenix Guards.After he had done that,he thougth:

" Now i shall assasinate Tyrion himself! MOHAHAHAHAHA"

He sneaked far into the tower and sneaked up to Tyrion's back.But now was it Teclis time to save his brother.He saw Kerrakopf behind his brother and quickly paralysed him.Tyrion turned around and thanked his brother for this :

" That guy was mine! Why shall u always take my exp! "

Doomkiller and The Giant Spider

Word came to Doomkiller that a giant spider was killing his warriors in the pass of Urka Burka Lingongurka.He rode there with a small squad of Executioners to kill this giant beast.But the GS had heard of this danger and she quickly made a dangerous trap.Doomkiller and his men marched straight into it and after a short time , the Executioners were stuck in a giant web the GS had hidden so skillful.Dookiller , however, avoided the trap and managed to catch the spider off-guard.His Firesword were fast as lightning and quickly struck trough some of the legs of his enemy.The spider charged Doomkiler as good as it could with only three legs.Doomkiller blocked the spiders attack with his beholder shield and slashed his weapon across the spiders head.The head rolled away into a dungeon whitout its body and Doomkiller was once again a hero for the Dark People.

Doomkiller and The Rotworm King

Doomkiller was once out on the cold islands northwest of Tibia,training against rotworms.Suddenly,a dark voice could be heard from the deepest dungeon in the darkest mountain :

" Doomkiller, I , the Rotworm King, challenge you to a fight! "

" Ok.To yellow? "

" No.TO DEATH!! "

" Ok. I'm on my way! "

Doomkiller walked deep into the misty muntain and in the deepest dungeon ,he heard the Rotworm King again.

" Coming to die,are you? "

" Did u say yoy wanted to die,idiot? "


And the Rotworm King was dead.

Aenod The Champion

No Story Yet (sry)


Current Date =

The Website is up (20/3 -04)!!!!!

Doomkiller was married to Miuriel 13:00 on the 21/3 -04 (swedish time)!

Doomkiller is now Elite Knight (after lending 7 k from me)

Doomkiller and his friend Aenod is planning to buy a GH.Message him with suggestions such as wich GH.Please notice that this could mean that members will have to donate some cash to Doomkiller for the rent.It will probably be a low donation since there are so many members... (I hope)

/ Wolf Spearhead


Level = 20

Sex = Male

Profession = Elite Knight

Married = Yes

Children = No

Residence = Darashia

Skills = 48 / 43

Exp = 107 000

EQ = Fire Sword,Plate Legs,Plate Armor,Steel Helmet,Beholder Shield and Leather Boots.







Wolf Spearhead





Bosna,El Gorgonoide,Lezavid,Pnelpezinha,Mary Joey,SuperMark


Fawut,Garbo Joey,Kuringao,Nephua,Smutasek,Trimero


Agratic Warrior.Bru-Bru,Dark Staszko,Dusha,Fojajo Druid,Half pint,Mamberto, Menor do chapa,Miurirel,Sheba the Mage,Von Zboczka


Archer of Trimera,Doomdruid,El porkitchu,Hiszpanek,Mofohet,Robson Erwin,Ted Rasel,Wolf Manhunt






Tal Rash Ted Rasel


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This Was Last Updated 22/3 -04.And it took some time to complete.....Anyway, I will update it as often as I can.. Aenod can email me with a story about himself that i can copy onto the website. Most pictures were taken from in their Warhammer Fantasy site.GO WARHAMMER!

/Wolf Spearhead


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