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Welcome To My Page

Hi, I'm Cori, also known as Corinna. I'm 21 years old and a full-time sophomore at the University of New Mexico.

I plan to major in either nursing or pre-med in order to become a psychological, psychiatric, or pediatric doctor (I haven't decided definitely yet). I'm also contemplating a minor in English or Creative Writing. I'm currently considering a transfer to North Carolina in order to attend UNC in either Spring or Fall of 2004. In comparison to UNM, it is a more highly ranked and certified school, which could obviously help me out in the fields I plan to pursue.

School is a big part of my life right now but I also enjoy many other things besides learning. I'm into fitness and I like sports, working out, and running. I like to party and go clubbing occasionally. I LOVE writing, reading, poetry, photography, drawing, dancing, web design, playing piano, DJing, and making beats. I also LOVE movies, music, bowling, playing pool, modifying/racing cars, camping, road trips, traveling, the beach, mountains, being outdoors, jet skiing, ice skating, snow skiing, and all that fun stuff. I'm excited to learn how to snowboard and hope to have the chance soon. I love meeting new people that are interesting, fun, and down to Earth. I like jokes and humor and love to laugh.

I've lived in New Mexico all my life, however, I've traveled extensively throughout the world. I've been everywhere from Australia and New Zealand to Israel, Germany, Amsterdam, London, France, Norway, Belgium, Mexico, the Bahamas, and many other places, including throughout the US. I feel very grateful and blessed to have been given the opportunities and gifts I have been throughout my life, and I try to never take them for granted.