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AMERICA's HOPE ... Begins In The Hearts Of The Children.

We are an organization comprised of approximately one hundred and fifty teenagers, who attend Old Orchard Beach High School in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

We are simple kids who don't ask for much in life, however we do have eyes and ears which enables us to recognize the suffering that takes place among many families around us,
who seem to be too proud to ask for help.

There are many who don't know where their next meal will come from, how they will be able to properly clothe their children, pay necessary household and doctors bills,
and also feed and maintain their family pets.

Many families suffer for a multitude of reasons especially in our current state of economic instability. Companies downsize, jobs are lost, people suffer as result of illness,
health insurance rates become increasingly high and the list continues on.

Many of us, have witnessed other kids in school, standing alone in a corner, out of the fear of rejection and alienation from other kids, who cruelly criticize those who don't have much,
are less popular or who have old and tattered clothing because their families are poor.

These types of kids find themselves so isolated as a result of their pain and loneliness, that they turn to the darker elements in life such as drugs and crime, and they feel so lost and dejected, that they often become self-destructive and they feel that they have no reason
to care for others when it appears that no one cares for them.

We are just a small group of kids varying in ages seventeen years and younger, along with appropriate adult supervision and we come from a variety of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds, religions & beliefs, who are very aware of the fact that we can't change the entire country, but our common goal is to try and make some type of a change,
by starting in our town, here in Maine.

We want to give the underprivileged families in our area, some measure of hope. We would like to be able to knock on the doors of those who are in need and hand them clothing, food or whatever is necessary to help keep them from giving up.

We want the kids of those families to be able to come back to school the next day with their heads held high so that they may finally get a chance to feel accepted.

Recently, we were recognized widely in the media in our area, because we were able to help our very first family. We became aware of two teenage sisters whose mother had passed away. They were in strong need of financial assistance for the burial costs for their mother otherwise they would have had to settle for a simple cremation.

We wanted to help, so we decided to join together and go out into the streets of Old Orchard Beach in below zero temperatures, with signs and donation buckets, to try to raise enough money so that their mother could have a proper burial.

Although we had no support or encouragement from any other adults,
we were able to accomplish our goal alone in a matter of four days.

As a result of this incredible experience, we realized how rewarding and important it was for us to do our part, which is why we decided to create an organization that would enable us
to continue to do a lot more for many others who are also in need.

America's Hope is a non-profit organization that has the goal to provide help to underprivileged families and children who need food, clothing and friendship, elderly people who need assistance, transportation or simple companionship, starving and wounded pets that need veterinary care because their owners can't afford the additional expense
as a result of their own financial hardships.

We realize that there are many other organizations such as DHS in the state of Maine that provide food stamps, Salvation Army and United Way which are all trying to accomplish the same goal, for which we are grateful, but the difference between them and us,
is that we aren't waiting for people to come to us to ask for help.

There will be one hundred and fifty of us who will be talking to the people of our town and in our schools to seek out those who are in need and we will reach out to them by going to their homes and asking them to not be too proud to accept our help because we understand and we care. We will also let them know that this won't be a one time offer
and that as long as they need us, we will be there for them.

We also hope that as a result of what we are doing in our school, the kids in other towns, in other states, will take notice and will also join together to become involved with a similar community effort as we have. If more become aware of our objective, perhaps more will become involved in their communities, which can only strengthen
and make our country a better place to be.

We are asking you to please be willing to provide some type of a donation. Your monetary donation will be tax exempt as we are a non-profit organization and it will go into an account so that the funds can be allocated accordingly to help make lives better and to give people hope. Clothing, food and anything else that would help an underprivileged family would be welcomed and appreciated. We also need transportation, to enable us to visit the homes of the needy and to deliver food, clothing and any other necessary items.
Your donation, large or small, in any form, will help us to help those who are truly in need.

We may just be kids, but we are kids who have hearts and who care,
and with determination, faith and your support, we want to be America's Hope.

Please send donations to:
Saco and Biddeford Savings
2 Portland Avenue
PO Box 327
Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064

For Inquiries:
Call Kathy, Advantage Insurance
at (207) 934-2555

(Tax ID Number Provided Upon Request)

This web site was built by Angel Logan
on behalf of the America's Hope Foundation.

Copyright © 2003-2006, Angel Logan, Published Author, All Rights Reserved.


Town of Old Orchard Beach, ME
Old Orchard Beach High School
Old Orchard Beach K-9 Training Center & Park