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gReG's pSyChoTic PagE!
mY DamN pAgE!
Welcome to my page of flashy nonsense stuff. Enjoy! =)

Hi! My name is Greg. Lemme tell u a lil bout myself. =)
I'm a funny, smart, crazy, outgoing, dangerous,
naughty, sweet person that's always lookin for a good
time. Right now im on vacation in Japan but originally
live in Huntsville, AL and yes it fuckin sux and no i
dont have an accent.... likes...well...i
like chillin with friends, laughing, partyin, dancin,
raving, eating, sleepin, meeting new ppl, socializin,
sexy gurls that also have brains, playin guitar,
writing music, being a DJ, computers, sports, drag
racing my tongue ring, doin crazy spontaneous shyt,
living in the moment, im a straight up person and i
dont give a flyin mongoose shyt whut ppl think about
me so i do and say whutever is on my mind and i enjoy
life as much as i can tho it sux even if u have almost
everything(rich?)...and did i say partyin mah ass off?
My dislikes: assholes, perverts, concieted egofreaks, fake ppl,
shy girls, sloppy kisses, girls that smuther me,
liars, thieves, backstabbing ass friends, narcs,
messy rooms, poor hygiene, and a bunch of uther crap
i dont feel like can also be
lazy...but only when its not important.. If u wanna
ask me bout my music interests....just hit me up or
sumthin =)Well...i guess thats pretty much the
breakdown. If u wanna see sum pics of me roll your
mouse over the sidemenu bar on the left of this page
Thx for reading...holla atcha =)

fUcK u...iM iNcoGniTo!

Hope ya liked my shyt....if ya wanna holla @ below...laterz.

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