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Welcome to the Genealogy Pages of Brian and Gillie Millar

These pages are simple genealogy reports for those interested in our various and numerous ancestors.  We hope you enjoy looking at them and hope if you happen to find a mutual ancestor/relation that you will contact us.

If you happen to spot any errors - please let us know so that may be corrected.

We would particularly like to thank the following friends who have helped by providing invaluable information -

Raewyne Watson, Barbara Geeves, Ann Hatherly, Alvin Smith, Eddie Paxton, Hazel Millar, Eddie Paxton, Laurel Paxton, Marlene O'Neil, and the very first person who threw me an acorn to plant and which has now grown into a mighty Oak - Shona Duncan.  If I have forgotten to name anyone...I apologise....please let me know so I can rectify it. You can email me at

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