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By: Moonlit Sea

Chapter One (thirteen years later)

It was another beautiful day in Care-a-lot. Everyone was happily going about his or her business, when suddenly 'bong…bong'.

"The Caring Meter." Nobleheart Horse said as he looked over at it.

Sure enough the Caring Meters needle was slowly going down 'bong…bong' it went again.

"What seems to be the trouble, Wish Bear?" Tenderheart Bear asked as Wish Bear looked down at Earth through the Star-o-scope.

"There's a girl crying in the park." The aqua colour bear replied.

"Can I see?" Tenderheart asked.

Wish Bear moved aside and let Tenderheart take a look. He saw a girl of about thirteen, she had blonde hair and was wearing creamy white trousers and a teal coloured top.

There's something familiar about that girl Tenderheart thought as he continued to look at her.

After finding Cheer Bear, both Tenderheart and Cheer made their way down to Earth.


A thirteen-year-old girl sat on a park bench crying her eyes out. I don't know how much more of this I can take she thought I wish I was dead.

"Hi." A voice said interrupting her thoughts.

She looked up and saw two small bears in front of her. One was brown and had a red heart in the middle of its white tummy, the other was pink and had a rainbow on its tummy.

"Who are you?" the girl asked with a sniff.

"I'm Cheer Bear and this is Tenderheart Bear." Gesturing to the bear beside her. "We're Care Bears."

"We've come to cheer you up." Tenderheart added.

"Oh." Wiping her tears away.

"What's got you so upset, Stephanie?" Cheer Bear asked.

The girl blinked, "How do you know my name?"

Cheer Bear smiled, "Friends are suppose to know about each other."

Stephanie gave a small snort.
"If I wanted to talk to friends, I would of already."

"Then why haven't you?" Tenderheart asked.

"Because they wouldn't understand! No-one would, not even you!" snapping a little.

"Cheer up, Stephanie. I'm sure you'd feel a lot better if you just talked to someone." Cheer Bear tried.

"Hm. Thanks for trying but this is something I have to bear on my own." Getting up and walking away.

"This maybe tougher than I thought." Cheer said to Tenderheart.


Stephanie walked along the path. She sighed, maybe they're right. Talking to someone might help me feel a bit better, but who do you talk to about this? She played with her necklace as she thought. She was so deep in thought in fact that she failed to notice something sticking out of the bushes and tripped over it. "Damn it!" she muttered to herself. "You okay?" she heard a voice ask. She looked up and saw Cheer Bear and Tenderheart again.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Here let us help you up." Tenderheart offered.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Cheer asked again as she and Tenderheart helped Stephanie up.

Stephanie dusted herself down. "Yeah, I'm-ouch." She looked at her hand and saw she had a cut on it.

"You're hurt, here let me help you." Tenderheart said taking her hand to look at her injury.

Cheer Bear also looked at it and produced a rainbow-type bandage from her tummy symbol giving it to Tenderheart who proceeded to wrap Stephanie's hand up.

Stephanie smiled, "Thank you…again." giving a small chuckle.

"You should be more careful and watch where you're going." Cheer said.

"I know, I'm sorry. I guess I was too busy thinking." She answered as Tenderheart finished wrapping her hand up.

"There." He went to look up at her when her necklace caught his eye. It was a star that had lines coming out it giving the effect that the star was shinning light.
It can't be. he thought as he looked up into Stephanie's emerald green eyes.

"Tenderheart?" Cheer said trying to get his attention.

"Is he okay?" Stephanie asked Cheer.

"I'm not sure." She said waving a paw in front of Tenderheart's face. "He's never acted like this before, you'd think he'd just seen a ghost."

Stephanie looked at the brown bear and placed a hand on his shoulder, what did she call him again? Oh yeah.
"Tenderheart? Are you okay?"

Tenderheart broke out of his 'trance like state' only to find two worried faces looking at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"You kinda spaced out on us." Cheer explained.

"Yeah, it was a little worrying, considering Cheer Bear said you've never done it before." Stephanie added.

"Oh. Sorry about that." Slightly embarrassed.

Stephanie smiled then looked at her watch.
"Oh! I better get going home my parents will be wondering where I am." She began walking off then turned back to them. "Thank you for the company." She smiled and waved then continued on her way.

"Don't forget to watch where you're going." Tenderheart called out.

When Stephanie was out of sight Cheer Bear turned to Tenderheart.
"You sure you're okay, Tenderheart?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Cheer. Come on, let's get back to Care-a-lot."