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U hAvE rEaChEd ThA pG oF dA OnE ~n~ OnLeE sWtMiEnJuLiEt209
Dats meh above..sowwie if i blinded u coz of mah uglyness...didnt mean to..=(..rly am..i no meh ugly so i aint trippin...
Go check outz uglee ol meh at dis site aiite..b nice aytez..hehe..=P @
sWtAnGeL209 @
LaSt UpDaTeD: ThUrSdAy, JaNuArY 15, 2004
NaMe: MaLeE (mAy-LeE)
nAtIoNaLiTy: MiEn
AgE:Da BiG OnE eIgHt ^_^
B-DaY: JuNe 26..tWo DaYs BeFoRe MaH bOo's B-Day
LoCaTiOn: N. KaLi
StAtUs: TaKeN bY mAh BoO sInCe JuLy 23, 2000 & EnGaGeD sInCe JuNe 30, 2003 & StiLL gOiNg StRoNg
FaV. KoLuRs: Baby blue/blue/navy blue but also like silver,yellow,white,pink,n black
MaH FuTuRe RiDe:Mah first choice ish da R34 skyline gtR..mah second choice ish a twin turbo supra wit white n baby-blue pearl paint job..mah third choice ish a white integra type r..but all dose r too imma go wit a 96+ civic hb..or a 94+ gsR..imma supe dat shit up lookin tyte..ill smoke yah all..=P
DiS bE mEh N mAh SwT sUpRa..=P..WAS mInE..gOt It TaKeN bY mY mOMmY..InSuRaNcE cOsT tOo MuCh...=,(..*sNiFf SnIfF*..
sOwWiE i KnOw I LoOk ToWeD uP iN dA pIx!..i JuS wOkE uP..=P
^---DiS bE mEh N mAh SwT rIdE..=P---^
aIm Sn: sWtAnGeL209
YaHoO iD: LiLsWtAzNpRiNcEsS
IuMiEn.CoM Sn: sWtMiEnAnGeL209
AsIaNaVeNuE sN: sWeEtAnGeL209
ApArTmEnT107 sN: MiEnAnGeL209
XaNgA.CoM sN: sWtAnGeL209
OnLiNeShOWoFf.CoM sN: AzNgUrLyRaCeR
FiNdApIx.CoM sN: sWtAnGeL209, sWtMiEnAnGeL209, AzNgUrLyRaCeR
LiKeS & dIsLiKeS `bOuT gUyZ:
I like guyz who r qt, nice, swt, givin, lovin, carin, loyal, honest, someone who knos how to dress goood, not too shy, has a nice personality, sense of humor, and a cute @$$! mah bOo wit his ghetto bootay..=P..Also, guyz the age of 19 & unda..But hey!-"Age aint nuttin but a #!" Aint i rite?!..True dat, but it does matter doe..I no dis alot to ask in a guy(u dont have to hav all da requirements 4 me to like u, jus some)..=P..hehe..
I dislike guyz that try 2 b someone they`re not n ones that r mean & play wit ur feelings/motions tryin to be a lil so-called playa..psshh! ass you r!!..I hate guyz that lie and cheat..But if u wanna play, 2 kan play dat game..Anotha 1 of mah sayings-"I don`t player hate, I participate".. hehe.. =b
~¤~*§hOuT OuTz 2 MaH NiKkAs*~¤~
...Meh wood lyke to make a shout outz to San mah boo..^_^..babe thanx fo being not onlee a great bes fren but a great boyfren 2 meh..u so swt n luvin babe...i will luv u n be ur fren..until 4eva ends...~*muahz*~...


...Shout outz to some of mah close n koo azz homegrlz, Chanty..Lah..Feuy aka Samantha..n Thuy..thanx u guys for alwase bein so nice & undastandin to meh...n alwayz bein dere wen i need to talk to some1 lyke tymes wen meh n mah nikka r havin probs ^_^...u guys r such swthearts..^_^..n u no imma alwase hea fo u guys wen u need some1 to talk to or some1 to listen to ur probs..n wenever u need a shoulder to cry on..never hesitate to call upon me grliez..thanx fo everything..homiez ~4~ Life...>_<...
...Another shout outz goes to my kewlz ash sis Jennifer..jus showing yah some luv babygrl..hehe..i kno we gotz our upz n downz..but fo all dem good times n laughter we shared..n all dem late nite conversations in da dark..i'd like thank u fo being not onlee a koo sis but a koo fren ^_^..o yea im sowwie fo all dem times i hit u..punched u..n kicked u..n all dem name callin..u kno a gotz a short temper..sowwie fo dem bruises too k..hopefully u'll fogive me oneday fo my immaturity..u kno meh will alwase be hea fo yah wenever u need a fren to talk to or jus some1 to listen k..i'll alwase b hea fo dont hesitate to cry on mah shoulder wenever u need yah sis...
...Heas another shout outz to some of my kewlest boiz..Lucky alwase being so god damn understandin about everything!!..u made it soo much easier on meh fo being so swt n understandin all da time..i dont deserve ur frenship..hopefully one day u can fogive me fo all da pain n stress i put u thru..i miss u & ur frenship & all da times we spent together..never foget that ur frenship means alot to meh..hope to see u soon..sowwie it seem like i dont wanna go kic it wit chu..ish not even like dat..u understand tho rite?..hopefully u do..keep in touch alwase matter wut..hehe..take kares alwase fo meh k..n stay da same alwase fo meh k..swt ash alwase k..*mUaHz*..welps FrEnZ ~4~ LiFe..=)...
...And to my other boi..Junior..sup dere lil nigga..hehe..u besta take good kares of my grl Samantha..or imma kill u..hahha..jk..maybe..hehe..anywase..u been a vewwie koo ash fren to meh..u better not change..except fo da good..=)..hope to see u soon..take kares n stay da same alwase k...
...I wood also lyke to make a shout out to all mah other homboiz n grlz out dere..sowwie but i dun wanna type all ur names but u no who u r..yah all r great frenz n homiez..sweet ones 2..take karez in tha future n in lyfe fo meh aytes..luv u all...
...And a shout out to all mah other frenz & family out dere...esp. mah brothers who have been soo kewlz to meh..helpin n supportin meh every step of da way..thankx u guys..
Last but not least..a shout out to all da peeps i met online...
Luv Yah Alwase!...~*muahz*~...
HoMiEz ~4~ LyFe
cRiPz pRyDe As I rYdE TiL Da DaY I DyE





~*MaH dRaWiNg Of MeH & MaH sWeEt BoO bOo*~



~*~*[L][e][E][§][a][N]*~*~ ~*[t][O][g][E][t][H][e][R]~[f][O][r][E][v][E][r]*~ ~*[J][u][L][y][23],[2000]&[s][T][i][L][L]~[g][O][i][N][g]~[S][t][R][o][N][g]*~




~*BaBe, U mY cUddLy tEdDy BeAr ^_~ i LuB yOu*~
*!*!nOtE: cLiCk On BeLoW bUtToNs FoE pIxS!*!*





~*sWt MeMoRiEs:CoUpLe PiXs*~







~*SoLo PiXs*~






~*fLiXs Of pAiRs*~






~*GrP fLiCks*~






~*MiEn PrYdE TiL Da DaY I DyE*~




~*CaR fLiXs*~



~*ImMa GeT mAhSeLf A 96+ CiViC HB..DiS hOw MaH nExT rIdE gOnNa Be LoOkIn LiKe..ExCePt IsH gOnNa B dRoPpEd WiT mY wHitE 17" TeNzO ShU-4's WhIcH rItE nOw R oN dA cAr I dRiVe: My BoO's AcCorD wHiCh IsH bAsIcaLLy MiNe ToO*~


~*MeH & MaH tEgGy*~








~*ThAt WaS tHeN, tHiS iS nOw..ThIs IsH hOw MaH TeGgY LoOkS LiKe NoW..*~

!*!aReNt We A PeRfEcT cOuPLe!*!














~*MeH sTaNdInG NeXt To MaH sWeEt BoO bOo*~
~*aLL u FuCkEn HaTeRz OuT dErE..DoNt HaTe..JuS aPpReCiAtE*~









~*MeH sTaNdInG NeXt To My BoO's 92 Si & MaH bOo'S aCcOrD*~
!*!CiViC sI wAs SoLd..OuR sWt AcCoRd WaS sToLeN & tOtALeD =(..!*!
!*!mY sHu-4 rImS wErE sToLeN oFf Da AcCoRd!!..dAmN u FuCkErS!*!










*!*!nOtE: cLiCk On AbOvE BuTtOnS fOe PiXs!*!*



ViEw My GuEsTbOoKiE
SiGn My GuEsTbOoKiE