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+ heart & soul + hidden paths + shameli + home + dreambook + belong + email +

What do you get when you take a handful of creativity, a teaspoon of free spirit, a generous pinch of individuality, and a bucketful of personality, and mix them together in a big blue pan? You get a place that is a mirror image of yourself. You get the paints needed to create a watercolor tapestry of color and life.
What did I get? Silver Raven. Welcome to my home.


I feel so refreshed. New layouts are wonderful, don't you think? I'm particularly fond of this one, as it allowed me to splurge all my pent-up creative energy. I am in love with my rainbow-links and my pretty background [which, by the way, came from]. I'm still making a few minor adjustments, as always. Go have fun with my dreambook, I miss getting signatures and stuff *wink*.
Note: I have declared today National Pink Day. Yes folks, every Frebruary the 28th, we shall celebrate Pink Day in any way we wish. Yayness for National Pink Day! If you want to know the story, email me.