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Godzilla FanFiction

Godzilla is based a mythical creature named Gojira. It started out as a 1954 movie about a dinosaur mutated by radiation from the bomb's dropped on Japan in WWII. It soon created a huge following of fans that wanted to see more of the king of the monsters. Godzilla can be recognized by just about anyone from his famous roar, to his appearance.

My FanFictions are only based around Godzilla at this time. I do not wish to use any of the other Monsters that were created in the many movies as Godzilla's opposition. Any Monsters or people that are in my FanFiction are of my own creation.

If you would like to write a review for one my FanFictions please go to the "Read on" link and below the story on the bottom you'll find a review button.

This is an unofficial fan site. It is not sponsored, licensed, or approved by Toho Co., LTD. To go to the official Godzilla site, click here.

Godzilla is a trademark of Toho Co., LTD.

Godzilla Reborn (Part I)

Godzilla is provoked and attacked by eight arachnid-like Mech's with radiation draining abilities.
{PG} - Mild Violence.
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Godzilla Reborn (Part II)

Is Godzilla his own worst enemy?
{PG} - Mild Violence.
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Godzilla Reborn (Part II)

The final phase is complete and is sent out destroy Godzilla, is this the end?
{PG} - Mild Violence.
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Website ( and Content by Robert R. (Avid Writer)