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UltraLinks from FusionQuest are the ultimate domain branded, ultra short, search engine friendly affiliate links.

UltraLinks allow the merchant to take advantage of their network of affiliates for search engine link popularity.

UltraLinks brand the merchant's domain instead of the solution provider's.

UltraLinks are affiliate links that are short, easy to type and easy to remember, allowing the affiliate to promote the program in the traditional offline world, opening whole new marketing vistas.

UltraLinks use no type of redirection. Users go straight from the affiliate link to the merchant site.

UltraLinks provide affiliates links that are not long, cumbersome, unsightly and overwhelming; links that won't be split and rendered useless by e-mail clients.

UltraLinks are not so obviously affiliate links.

Introducing a totally new concept in affiliate tracking. UltraLinks is a unique, highly innovative, patent pending method of constructing affiliate links that uses the merchant's own domain in the affiliate link URL.

For more information, click here.

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