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This Is Me...Take It Or Leave It.

* Life is nothing without love. *

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* 9/13/2002: "Keep the blood in your head and your feet on the ground." - Brand New. *

[ Song: Britney Spears - Overprotected. ]

updates: announcements. new content.

announcements: major reconstruction. out with the old and in with the new. go me.

question of the day/week/month/year: what's that smell?


about me.
xanga thing...sort of.
random pictures.
crap i say: a dictionary of my language.
cds i have.
an 8 second video.
shh! a secret page.
fancy quotes.

*** suggestions and/or comments should be emailed to my tummy cuz i'm hungry. ***

© 2001, 2002 by Brittany Wong. Be nice and ask if you want something off this site. Otherwise, enjoi.

link - a - roos.

u of a Alpha Phi Gamma
what kind of asian are you?
unofficial t. A.T. u. site