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Ahh! Guess what!

Pardon my laziness

I found out a tree at my HS is haunted.

I've been too lazy to update the web site


Guess what! If you haven't already seen it, I got the domain!!
Lotsa brken links and pics, though, hehe. And I haven't got the silly message board working properly. It says some error occurred. Grr. And blogger doesn't work! Not muchthings are cooperating with me, huh? Oh well. It will soon. I went to this camp thingy at my high school. We mostly sat in the gym, then a classroom, and some adults were talking about high school and we played games. My group were a bunch of freaks, as my "Link Leader" said. But I was good. I wasn't hyper or anything. Hehe. I met a coupl of new people. Like this cute guy! Hehe. Saw some people I knew too. T'was very.. novel.. Especially the games..

12:39, 8/16/02 - Ahh! Guess what!

I might get a domain for this web site!! Yaay! If I get it tonight, then in 72 hours, it'll be ready to be viewed and everything! I'm gonna need to change a bunch of stuff, and edit nearly all the HTML on the page. Fun. But I get a message board, CGI-BIN, guestbook, e-mail addresses, and more stuff! All for 4 buckaroonies a month too! I just hope my dad will let me. Ryan (creater of thinks that is a good deal, and thinks I should get a domain! Hee. Maybe I could give my web site a makeover, too. So much to do!

20:34 - I'm getting impatient. My dad went to Home Depot soon after he got home from work. He should be coming back soon... A while ago, someone I haven't heard from for over a year IMed me! How happyful!

18:35, 8/15/02 - Pardon my laziness

I've been just plain lazy and playing The Sims again. I found ou they have PETS now! Wheee! The dogs and cats are so adorable! I wanna buy a bunch of everything and let everything run around! I know a cheat that will give me lotsa money.. hehe. Anyways, I went to my high shool to register. Saw lotsa people I know. It took 2 hours to verify all those papers, give them my papers, take school photos, take I.D. pics, get my books, and get my temporary schedule. Blah. There were 8 stations total, and I already got my I.D.! I sure look funny. I'll embarrass myself and put it up as soon as I scan it. I got a new lock, and I put froggy stickers all over it, hehe. My P.E. shorts are too long even though they're the smallest size. I start school on August 26th, if I haven't already told you.. Better start shopping for crap.. I'm getting kinda nervous, hehe. Especially 'cause I got like the hardest classes. Oh yeah! I can't believe I forgot to look for that haunted tree! I was prolly standing right by it too. I always forget stuff like that. Gah. Oh well, enuff rambling. Later!

{Okay, here's my bad I.D. picture... It makes me look like I have jet-black hair. Which I don't.. I have dark brown, hehe. AH! Now my sister has SHORT, pinkish hair..}

Oh yes! Today, my friend Chelsea and I was gonna have a "picnic" thing at my house, so she was gonna make these sandwiches, but didn't have any bread. So then she was gonna make muffins, but didn't have any milk. So she came to my house to make them, but we didn't have any eggs. Then we were gonna make ice cream, but didn't have any ice. Then brownies, cake, and pie, yet they all needed eggs. No pizza crust for pizza. But, we finally decided to make grilled cheese sandwiches. This time we had the cheese, the bread, and the butter. What a day, eh? By the way, it's near Halloween! What should I be? I have no clue.

12:40, 8/11/02 - I found out a tree at my HS is haunted.

That's right! I have some ghost-related links in the Linkies section. I found out there's a barracks in a nearby military base is haunted too! I got all intrested 'cause I was watching something about the haunted plantation, the Myrtles' plantation, and I wanted to see if any place like that was around here. I wanna go stay at the plantation! It looks like fun! A lot of people left early because they had ghost encounters! How coool! Hehe. I'd prolly get scared too, but I'll make myself stay. And maybe I can try to get something on film to show everyone. Too bad it's in Louisianna. There is another haunted place in Cali, but it's all the way up north.. The Winchester house. It's like a huuge house/maze for this 1 lady around the Civil War time and spirits. There's around 142 to 160 rooms (each count comes up with a dfferent number). You see, she was part of a family that made rifles and stuff, and one rifle was used in the Civil War. A very popular rifle. This fortune teller person told her to move west and build a house for all the spirits that was killed by that rifle so they wouldn't kill her.. Oh! Please read this, then sign this petition.

13:20, 8/10/02 - I've been too lazy to update the web site

But I did see some movies and did a couple pieces of art! I saw Master of Disguise with my friend. It was silly. And we got Lord of the Rings the 1st day it came out! I really liked it. Legolas and the hobbits are my favorite chars. I have a thing for elven archers.. hehe. The orcs really are freaky. Now I should get that shirt Tori was gonna make.. "Can't sleep, orcs wll eat me.. Can't sleep, orcs will eat me.. Can't sleep, orcs will eat me..." I've started playing Everquest again.. got my level back too. Then I can port for moneys, then I can finally buy a horsey! I only need.. like 8.5 thousand platinum pieces to go! And that would mean.. I need to port 850 times! Fun. I'd be lucky if I port people 5 times a day... Then my friend wants a horsey that'll mean we both hafta port 1700 times (after she gets level 29) to get a horsey for each of us. Man. Maybe I can get this one thing and sell it.. it's worth 2000 plat! Oh,I'm rambling again. I'll shut my face now. I'm gonna add my 2 art pics to the web site. My Elfwood gallery has been updated.

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Thursday, 15 August 2002 21:48

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