The Crimson Codex
by Kantayra

What if Spike had won his battle with Buffy in 'School Hard'? A newly arisen Slayer ventures into a world of blood, sex, death, and perhaps A vampire epic.
Prologue: Epitaph - Over a gravestone, one vampire remembers how she came to eternity and those who guided her... *COMPLETED, November 2003*
Book One: Resurrection - 1997. A vampire Buffy awakens to a new world where she must struggle against her former Watcher and friends, the very society she is now a part of, and her conflicted feelings about her Sire and his mate... *COMPLETED, November 2003 - January 2004*
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight ~ Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve
Book Two: Foresight - 2044. A call from old friends brings Buffy, Spike, and Drusilla back to the Hellmouth. With an ominous prophecy hanging over her head, Buffy must come to realize that not even her foreknowledge can save all whom she loves... *COMPLETED, March 2004 - April 2004*
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight
Book Three: The Golden Order - 2105. With a slayer out for her blood, Buffy becomes tangled up in a world of political scheming, back-stabbing, and treachery. And even a new master will need the help of her lovers to survive... *COMPLETED, June 2004 - September 2004*
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ Chapter Three ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight ~ Chapter Nine ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve ~ Chapter Thirteen ~ Chapter Fourteen ~ Chapter Fifteen
Book Four: The Second Coming - 2187. Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned. *WIP, begun September 2004*
Chapter One ~ Chapter Two*NEW*

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The Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters are all property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and their many associates. I am making no money whatsoever off of these original characters, and am using them here solely for entertainment purposes. The situations and text in the story, however, are property of Kantayra. They are NOT to be used elsewhere without my express permission.