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LIST of Confirmed LODD

I am working on a new reporting system for the Line of Duty deaths in New York. I am trying to set it up by the Agency or Company that the Members belonged to. Please be patient as I work on the list off line so that I can do it to the best way in order to give them the proper respects Establishes FDNY Bravest Fund for Fallen Heroes' Families has formally established the 'New York Bravest Memorial Fund' to provide for the families of those FDNY members lost in today's tragedy. Checks or money orders payable to the fund may be sent to:

New York Bravest Memorial Fund
9658 Baltimore Ave - Suite 350
College Park, MD 20740

Please, do not send cash

How to Help has received numerous requests from firefighters nationwide on how they can help. FDNY has advised they are not yet seeking outside help other than their normal mutual aid operations but will advise when they make a decision otherwise. Federal rescue teams are enroute to both New York and Washington.

FEMA stated to volunteer medical services call

or to volunteer general services call