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Trish and Brian's Wedding Day




Our Reception

Our Wedding Cake

This was also the receipe used for
1¼ cups oil
3 eggs, beaten w/mixer
1¾ cups sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2¼ cups flour
1½ tsps. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
8 ozs. crushed pineapple, with juice
1½ cups chopped bananas
1 cup chopped apples
¾ cup coconut
¾ cup chopped nuts
Grease and flour the bottom of a 9x13" pan.
Mix together the oil, eggs, sugar and vanilla.
Sift the dry ingredients; add to mixture.
Add remaining ingredients.
Bake at 350° for 48 minutes.

Brian and Trish
Cutting the cake

Family and Friends
Celebrate our Wedding Day

Louise enjoying herself

Trish and Louise
Heart sisters united at last..

"Kiwi Princess"





