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Hi everyone!

 My name is Michelle

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Here are a few fun facts about me

I was born in Germany, then I moved to India and then I came to America when I was five.

I lived in St. Louis when I first came to America.  I now live in Doniphan. 

I love my family.  My family consists of four people.  My mom, dad, me, and my sister Sarabeth.

I love my friends.

I like babies, that is why I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is my Savior.  My faith is very important to me.  Click here to see a page of my favorite verses.

The thing I like most about my school is that we have two student-led outreach clubs.  I am a leader in both.  They are First Priority and FCA.

My favorite type of music is Contemporary Christian Music.  You can visit the website of the radio station I listen to (KLOVE) by clicking here.

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