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This summer, June 9-16th to be exact, was a huge transition time in my life. Our youth group had prayed about going on a mission trip for a long time. Finally we got our chance. After working a many many fish fry, spaghetti dinners, slient auctions, and of course the generous giving of many people--God gave us our opportunity. God blessed us tremendously on that trip. Not only did our group become closer and get to know each other better we all got to see how powerful and what a blessing it is to serve God. We went to inner-city Chicago and served with the Jesus People USA. They are some of the most awesome people, with hearts to serve God, that i have ever had the privilege of meeting. Click on the link to go see their site, and to learn about the numerous ministries that they have.

As you might have guessed most of these pictures have more involved then is being described on the descriptions showed below them. Also i have to brag on my group just a little. God changed our heart so much during the week that we didn't want to go site-seeing on that Friday--we ended up going for a couple of hours on Friday, because we had already spent the money for the tickets to the stuff. But as soon as those hours were over, we all went back to to the shelter to work. It was so fun! The majority of the pictures that are of site-seeing were taken on Monday. Because we were forced to go site-seeing that day. That is one of the days off for the JPUSA. They work on Saturday instead. We did go to the fountain one nite because all of our work was done and we couldn't do anything else. Also for the first part of the week our group was split: some worked at the shelter, while others of us worked at the halfway house. From the middle of the week on though we all worked together in the shelter.

NOTE: All of these pictures are thumbnails and should open up in their own window.

In the middle of a concrete jungle, the JPUSA have this beautiful garden on the side of the playground that is behind their building.

Some of the pretty flowers in the garden.

Lunch in the garden after the service on Sunday.

Many people that are part of the JPUSA are recording artists. These are just a few that lead worship on Sunday morning.

There were two worship services during the week, this was taken after one of them.

We had devotion every morning. Part of the devotion was a worship time. The morning this was taken, Scott led.

Just some of the guys at JPUSA. Don't look like typical "Christians", huh? But they sure do live it! No doubt about that.

Everyone wanted to do our hair differently after staying a week at JPUSA. Even Steve!

We stayed on the first floor of this building. It really became home.

Playing around in the living room, after a day of fun service.

Beck, Cass, and i fixed up this couch, and put up the pic. Trust me, this couch looks much better now.

After staying up most of the nite, everyone slept where they were, in the living room.

The girls that were in my room during the week.

me trying to stop Becky from attacking someone. (Long story)

"Hanging" out in the playground behind the JPUSA building.

Cassie on the swirly thing lookin' pretty.

Becky, me, and Cassie acting silly on the swirly thing.

All the flamingos. Flaky, Preppy, Fluffy, and Ghetto. (Another long story. ~The paint fumes got to us.)

Three of the flamingos. Working at the city ballpark, after our awesome trip.

It was a hot day that Sunday. So one of the kids was smart and sat on the sprinkler.

One of the kids at the shelter, that came to the church service with her family.

Another one of the kids in the shelter. This one stole Heather's heart.

This one stole Jami's heart.

Our group with Henry--one of the people that help run the shelter.

The first part of the line of us serving the people during the Dinner Guest program.

The second part of us.

And finishing out the line.

Alan and Kory helping with washing the dishes.

The area that the families had to live in, in the shelter.

The group of us that painted at the halfway house.

Some of the kids that lived in the house and neighborhood.

Four of us, finishing up the last room of the apartment that we had not painted. After doing the rest of the apartment, the day before and the beginning of that day.

Alan, Cassie, Becky, and I.........proud of our white walls. We got a little paint on ourselves.

Becky, me, and Cassie on the bus going somewhere for site-seeing.

The group of us at the "EL" station. Waiting of it, to go somewhere else to site-see.

The group on the "EL".

Picture taken at: Belmont. (It's ok if you don't get this one. Sort of a joke between the 3 of us. But if you ask, i will tell you the story sometime.)

In front of one of the trains in one of the museums.

Cassie, Becky, and i showing a shirt that was for sale in the gift shop of the museum.

Outside one of the museums.

Meg, Becky, me, and Heather rest after walking around the museum.

The group rests on the steps of the museum.

The dolphins getting ready to...............


There were many birds near the fountain.

Heather and i by the fountain, dressed in our ghetto attire.

Walking down to the fountains we saw the skyline.
