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BIBLE STUDY with JJ DANIEL @ - home of Strombolis eZine



enJOYing The Journey


JJ Daniel, SW Washington





The Purpose of God… does He really have one for ME?!


jjB.jpg.jpgI remember a season in my life when I thought that I was “the only person on the planet that God had NOT attached a purpose to at birth.”  It seemed to me at that time that I had “no future” and “no promise” and “no hope”.  Actually, that’s not quite the way it was… I did think there was a reason for me to be born... I fully believed that I was a product of my Mother’s faith (She was told that she “absolutely could not have children.”) …after my parents both moved to heaven, although I was only in my thirties at the time, I simply waited for death to arrive for me; I was sure that my time on the planet must be over, as I’d completed my season of being their devoted daughter. I am daily thankful that I no longer live in that PIT OF LIES!!


When I first heard Miles Monroe teach on the subject of “purpose” it was something I’d never heard before. It was a brand new revelation to me. Once I got hold of what the Bible says about our purpose and destiny – it truly changed my thinking, and my life.


Isa 46 says that “HE brings us from the womb and carries us along every day of our life; even when our hair is white with age.”  Then it goes on to say that HE IS GOD and HE DOES WHAT EVER HER WANTS!  I love that!!


Job 23:13-14 says… “There is one God, who can compare to Him?!  He does everything He has in mind for me!”


Proverbs 19:21 says… “Many are the plans in a man’s mind, but it is God’s purpose that prevails.”


All through the Bible, we can look at people’s lives were destined to do a specific thing in this world… and we can watch God unfold destiny for them. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Queen Esther, David and so on; the perfect example is Joseph.


Jo      seph was a shepherd boy taking care of his Dad’s sheep… when God first spoke to him in dreams.  He didn’t have full understanding of what he would do exactly, but he did know that God’s plan must be a big one… as even his eleven brothers’ would bow before him!!  As we follow his life, in Genesis, chapters 37 - 50 we can see that he didn’t live a perfect life; there were many obstacles’ that came to discourage Joe, and many things to overcome along the way. We also see that he never sat down and gave up!!  We can’t really say that his “eye was on the goal” – as he didn’t even know what the “goal” was! But we can definitely see that he did “bloom” where EVER he was!  Even in prison, the favor of God was evident on his life, and he quickly became the head trustee. Every place he put his foot, God gave him that land, and he succeeded! Until finally – God brought him into the place He had designed him to be… to save the Nation of Israel!


What would have happened to the Jewish Nation – if Joseph would have thrown himself a good old pity-party and given up hope?  What if he had decided that it just “wasn’t worth it” to follow after God, and wait for HIM to unfold purpose and destiny to Him?  What if Joseph had given up hope? Well… I personally believe that God would have raised someone up to take his place, because His “plans and purpose will prevail” - in spite of us!!  However God knew that Joseph would trust Him, and that he would play a big role in the saving of his family, the nation of Israel.


Every time I look at the life of Joseph – I am reminded that God is still GOD today – and He still unfolds purpose before His kids, just as He did with Joseph.  Joseph couldn’t see what he was moving toward, it probably didn’t FEEL like he was moving at all!!   Any more than we can see what tomorrow holds for us. Just like Joseph, we have to TRUST that God’s plans WILL PREVAIL – and that HE IS ABLE to get us there, and… right on time!


Hab 2:2-3 in the original Living Bible says: “…and it won’t be a single day late!!”


Our loving Heavenly Father knows us well. If He were to give us all the details of His plans, and how He plans to get us “there” – we’d say “Thanks Father… I can take it from here!”  And we’d be off and running… and make a royal mess of it!!  So, in His great wisdom – He lifts the veil just enough to give us a taste of what He has in mind, and then says… TRUST ME” – it’ll happen!!  J


As long as you have breath in your body – there is purpose for you!! 


We can TRUST HIM to unfold His will and purpose in front of us – and wrestling with it, or trying to figure it out, or trying to make it happen – only frustrates our carnal minds.  According to Isa 46 – it is HIS JOB to get us to purpose; our job is simply to be willing, available and obedient. Get to know Jesus and follow His example.


RELAX! Forget about what might come next year or even next week… TRUST GOD to handle that!  Just “do what your hands find to do today… Wholeheartedly unto the Lord.” 


§  Love GOD and love others.

§  Seek first the Kingdom of God.

§  Renew your mind daily in His Word.

§  Be a DOER of His Word.  (Simply DO what God tells us to do – in His Word).

§  Serve others. Encourage others. Lay down your life for others.

§  “GO!” - “Into the highways’ & byways and compel others to know Jesus.




Does God have a purpose for YOU?  YES! He absolutely does! And - according to Jeremiah 29:11 – it is “Good!”


When we trust His heart, and seek His face – we have confidence that His hands are working in our life - to “perfect all things that concern us.”  Ps 138:8.  EVEN our future, our dreams and our hopes.


Shalom! SHINE ON!!


jj daniel – leaning on Jesus!