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a page i Made for Justin
Tiffany's Page
sefs page
jennifers page
another page that goes with this one pics of me!!!

I love knowing that you have one extra friend!!!

Hey Everyone,

It has been extremly long time since i have updated this thing but i have more pictures for it of course they are of me and justin but none of my pics would be worth anything unless he was in them. So i hope everyones christmas went ok. Mine went great!!! Got lots of stuff. I took Justin to see me mom in Tenn yeah and we both came back sick from all the cig. smoke we are now allergic too. I only have 5 more months of school left yeahh!!!! and Justin graduates from the Blind school next month that is great news. We are now officially engaged!!! Yeah you heard me right i got that fat ring last sat. and it was the greatest night of my life. But I guess i will let yall go so i can go to bed now. Have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!

Love everyone,

April Dawn Mason