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“Yeah, thank you Officer Johnson. I apologize for calling you Marty. I know you don’t like it.” Usually Martin can be a real jerk. “Well, get going and wear that damn belt. Next time that I see you without your seatbelt you’re getting a ticket.” Michelle shifted into drive and drove off. Martin returned to his car, drove back to the intersection and contined his patrol for law breaking citizens. Michelle continued to drive up route 34. She passed the small schoolhouse, there was only one in town and it contained all grades from kindergarten through twelfth grade. There weren’t that many students anyway. The last senior graduating class was a total of fifteen students. It was an old brick building, and had been erected in 1878. The school was named after Rutherford B. Hayes who was president during the time the school had been built. Across the road from the school was the public library, yet another brick building. I guess in those days brick was pretty damn popular. She drove past the library and took the next right hand turn, onto a dirt road. The rough, unpaved road led a few hundred feet up to a tiny house. Michelle lived in the little house and paid her father only two hundred and fifty dollars a month for rent. He cut her a break. She pulled up along the west side of the house and turned off the car, and stepped out. She walked up the stairs to the front door and entered the house. As soon as you get inside you are in the kitchen. The small kitchen had a little table made of oak, and a Westinghouse stove. The room that leads to the left is even smaller, it contains a Laz-E-Boy recliner and an Orion television. Connecting the living room and the master bedroom, there is a tiny bathroom. Michelle’s bedroom contains a single bed and an antique dresser. The dresser has been in here family for generations. She goes into the living room and turns on the television. Immediattely the phone rings. Michelle stand up from the recliner and walks into the kitchen. She picks up the reciever of the compact, lime green phone and speaks the usual response of “Hello.” .2. Sandra Reeves starts getting ready to go back to work. She actually owns the Majestic Diner in the center of town. Sandra never had gotten married and never had any children. Living in Majestic all of her life, she has come to know everyone that lives in the town. Having the diner has also aided in her becoming friends with everyone in town. Sandra knows everything that goes on and loves to shoot the shit with customers. Her diner has become a hub for gossip and rumors. Many times, Sandra starts nasty rumors about people that live in Majestic, and in this little town rumors spread quickly. Sandra Reeves is thirty six years old and wears glasses to correct the poor vision of her brown eyes. Her long, black hair is always in a braid. NEXT