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Our Story: Why we love Robbie Carrico

Here's how it started. Grace and I are loyal fans to most boybands and we have gone to several concerts in the past. On September 13, 1999 we went to the 98 degrees / Britney Spears concert at the Allegan County Fair (Second Row Seats). Well the two opening acts happened to be No Authority and Boyz N Girlz United, both of which we love. Robbie's dad was out in front before the concert handing out pictures of Boyz N Girlz and we each got one. We recognized them from the Summer Music Mania concert and remembered that Robbie was the hottie. Anyway, they come out on stage and we're interacting with Robbie on stage, trying to get him to take off his vest that was over a wife beater. Finally, when they were walking off stage he took it off. Now, all during Britney Spear's set we could see Robbie watching from the wings and Grace and I were waving and singing to him. After she got off stage there was a huge break before 98 degrees came out. All of us (Grace, me and they rest of our friends) got up on our chairs and got Robbie's attention from where he was standing in the wings. We were talking to him and motioning for him to come out so we could meet him. He kept checking back with a manager and FINALLY came out. Needless to say there was a huge rush, but we made our way to the front and got autographs and pictures with him. Grace also gave him her digits. (GO GRACE) The rest of the night we were on such a high from meeting him. SO, that's the story, that's why we love robbie. If your not convinced here's some reasons.

Reasons to Love Robbie
