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Kermit Speaks!
A Ribbeting Interview With the Fearless Frog

Kermit and company reappear in Muppet Classic Theater, a series of fairy tales done in classic Muppet style. D.A. hopped over to the set where his royal Greeness held court.

D.A.: "You seem to play roles with a lot of authority. Do you like the power?"
Kermit: "I'm a very simple frog. I don't want to be a powerful guy. But it's fun to dress up like a king. We're taking these classic fairy tales and making them muppety."

D.A.: "Define muppety."
Kermit: "Warped. Out of the ordinary."

D.A.: "Do you like working with Muppets better than humans?"
Kermit: "Humans are OK. You have to be careful when you're a frog not to get stepped on by some of the really big stars in Hollywood."

D.A.: "What's the key to becoming a successful actor?"
Kermit: "Being natural. Choosing the right roles. And by the way, it's not easy to find roles for frogs in Hollywood."

D.A.: "How are things between you and Miss Piggy?"
Kermit: "Uh, uh, uh...what do you mean by that?"

D.A.: "You guys were looking pretty cozy together in The Muppet Christmas Carol."
Kermit: "Yeah, but it was a movie. That's not real life. You can't comfuse the two. Especially if you're me and there's a pig out there."

D.A.: "How are you two doing in real life?"
Kermit: "Oh, we're doing fine. We have a very good working relationship. All that other stuff she says is highly not true."

D.A.: "She's been spreading rumors?"
Kermit: "Absolutely! All that stuff about us being secretly married in Las Vegas in not true."

D.A.: "If you could be any other color, what color would you be?"
Kermit: "Clear. I always thought I'd like to be clear."

D.A.: "So we could see your insides?"
Kermit: "Yeah, sure."

D.A.: "After you're done filming, are you going back to the swamp?"
Kermit: "Yup, I'll go back and hang around the pad. Eat some mosquitoes and hang out with the relatives."

D.A.: "How do you get to Sesame Street?"
Kermit: "You need a map."

D.A.: "Where do you get a map?"
Kermit: "I don't know."

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