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Well well. I am now in Madison, WI with my Mom, Dad and my Bro. Sterling. I brought my computer which seems to be a big deal for everybody. Just a few hours ago I was at the institute class. We learned about prayer and I got to meet all the new people (although I was the only new one there). I have applied for some jobs and I'm hoping to be a small engine mechanic or work with landscaping. Since my digital camera broke, here's a picture of me sitting outside my parents house taken with my brother's camera...

If any of y'all were wondering if it was a little crazy being here at home with my parents, well it is. I plan to deal with things by getting a full time job and a truck. :)

p.s. here is a simple little song for you to download if you want to.  Note: though this link will always be here, I may delete the song from my website to preserve disk space in the future. This is the Charlie Brown Song!


Wassup! I stayed up until 5 a.m. this morning playing Diablo II with my roommate. It was a conscious decision to stay up that long. Every once in a while you just need to do something to change the routine.

I found out that I was accepted to be a Y-team leader for this fall semester!!! I was starting to wonder if I'd been accepted, so this came as a surprise.

Work today at the "Rexburg Opinion Center" wasn't too bad.  I was a little dizzy from not getting any sleep, but I did 4 interviews, and one lady I talked to was a grad of BYU and from so CA. like me!  Small world.

This picture is going to be 2 of my roommates, Christian and Jesse. Christian is from Panama and VA, and Jesse is from ID. Both are one of a kind...

p.s. notice any background music now? Thank You Steve Clawson, my beloved single roommate.


Hello, and thank you very much for coming to my website. I just learned today that we should only single space after sentences when typing on a computer. That double-space stuff is so last millennium. I decided that instead of being a technician this summer, I am going to go live with my parents and get a job repairing things [hopefully].

Do you want to see a picture of some good missionary friends of mine? This was taken just weeks ago...


Over spring break I went to my missionary reunion in Utah.  We had a blast!  Afterwards some of us went bowling, and on Sunday I hung out with Amy Evans and Larry Sepulveda at General Conference.

I added more missionary pictures and they are in a different format than the rest.  My home internet isn't working so I'm doing this at the school.  For now I don't have a picture to put up for today, but I will try to do it later.

Okay, I've got a picture of my friend Keni.  She use to live here in Rexburg but now goes to school in Oregon.  I told her I'd have this up weeks ago.  Anyhow, here it is...

p.s. soon I will have a new look for my photo gallery.  It will be much simpler without any DHTML because I have found that Mac's don't like it that well.


Today my teacher fooled us all by saying that we were going to have a comprehensive final.  He pretty much fooled the whole class.  Anyways, I've been updating my info site with things on it that reflect things I like.  I have a missionary reunion this Saturday in Utah, but I don't think I'm going to make it this time.  We have them about twice a year.

Due to popular request, I am going to reveal a picture of myself in High School.  I wore my hair past my chin (yeah, I'm a bit proud of it), but in this picture it was cut shorter so I would look nice for graduation class of '99!  This is at Grad Night at Hemet High School.  The cool thing is that they turned the entire Gym and Main Hall into a carnival, casino, restaurant, and laser tag arena.  No wonder I am so happy...