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My Lord of the Rings Home Page

Hi. My name's Scott Henderson and The Lord of the Rings shall forever be my favorite set of books. My favorite personally is The Fellowship of the Ring, but my favorite part is the battle of Helm's Deep, particularly the orc-slaying contest between Legolas and Gimli. Anyways, my site will consist of many things, a semi-detailed synopsis of each book, quizes you can give yourself, character descriptions and analyses, and more. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my site, and find it worthy of relaying the greatness that is The Lord of the Rings. My e-mail is at the bottom, and I'm always ready for input about this site, and I hope to recieve as much feedback as possible. The more feedback, the more extensive this site will become. I plan to update often, since I constantly indulge myself in the reading of this great series (I've read it 4 times through as of 8/20/99). So, I should always have something new every once and a while. Send me your input, then I can modify the site to fit what you all would like to see.

Recent Info

  • 4 / 17 / 00 - Boy it has been a long time. I haven't worked on this page forever. Stupid me started designing right at the end of summer break, and couldn't quite get it all done. Anyways, it's Spring Break now, and I'm reading the books again, and hope to get some serious work done. Well, off to the updates.
  • 8 / 30 / 99 - You all don't know how sorry I am, but I've been swamped with work and unable to update my page. I haven't done anything yet practically, but I promise you all, that in due time, this will become the best LotR site. Please just be patient, and when I find a free moment, or feel extremely moved I shall update. For now, please understand I'm starting a new school, and I really want to work hard, so updates won't be as frequent as I first claimed, sorry. However, I once again state that if you remain loyal and patient, this site will be all that I claim and more. Feel free to e-mail me on what you think I should do with this site.
  • 8 / 19 / 99 - Today was the completion of my synopsis page for the first book in the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. I'm thinking the completion of the entire synopsis section will come before the 21st, allowing me to start on other, bigger portions of the page.
  • 8 / 15 / 99 - Today I began the building of what will soon become the #1 place for LotR info. I hope to finish before school starts, but that is doubtfull.



Book One Quiz

This Lord of the Rings site is owned by
Scott Henderson.

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