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Upcoming Stories

~ The Gifting Series ~
A Spin-off from The Wolfen Arc
The Gifting Parts 4,5 posted 04/28/01 When Sirius goes into an orgy of giving, Remus must learn two things: how to recieve, and just how much he has to give.
Returning the Gift Not Yet Available Remus returns Sirius' gifts in a very special way. 
Graduation Gift Not Yet Available Remus recieves gifts for graduation, one of them a vactaion in Arizona.
Vacation Gift Not Yet Available Remus finds a very unusual gift for Sirius while on vacation in Arizona.
Anniversary Gift Not Yet Available Two idiots in love looking for the perfect anniversary gift.
Gift of the Marauders Not Yet Available 'The Birthday' is fast approaching. Harry will be 18, Sirius 40. Remus is on the prowl, once again, for the perfect gifts.
The Greatest Gift Not Yet Available A seriously injured Remus in need of a blood transfusion from a family member...
Gift of Love Not Yet Available Amanda and Michael are getting married - on Remus' and Sirius' 25th anniversary.
Gift of Immortality Not Yet Available Amanda and Michael bring the twins to visit. Sirius begins to wonder "What if..."
Gift of Immortality, 2 Not Yet Available Alternate Ending to Gift of Immortality

~ The New Moon Rising Series ~
A Humorous Spin-off from The Wolfen Arc
Based on "Gift of Immortality 2"
Gift of Immortality 2 Not Yet Available And if the answer had been "Yes"...
Night of the New Moon Not Yet Available We have conception, Houston!
Be Careful What You Wish For Not Yet Available Morning sickness makes its appearance.
Were You Like This The Last Time? Not Yet Available Overprotective Sirius hears his ugly head!
Heeding Nature's Call Not Yet Available Remus answers the call of Broceliande Forest at night - and sees a sight he will never forget.
Misery Loves Company Not Yet Available Remus has the flu. Sirius gets called in for an emergency by the Ministry. Who ya gonna call? Severus Snape!
School Days, School Daze Not Yet Available Remus returns to Hogwarts for the new year - and creates a sensation in more ways than one.
You've Got To Be Kidding! Not Yet Available Still not showing at seven months, Remus acquires an admirer - one of the visiting Accreditation Team.
You're Invited! Not Yet Available It's Baby Shower time. Everyone -  students, alumni, staff, neighbors from Pont du Lac, old friends, family, even the Ministry of Magic - wants to give them a shower. Everyone wants the same date, nobody will give in.
What Did You Say? Not Yet Available "I said, 'You have a beautiful set of twins!'".