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Amisaurus Rex Coming Atcha :)

What does it look like we're doing? :P

Why hello there :) I hope I'm not talking to myself but to at least SOMEONE out there!! You must be someone pretty darn special if you found this lewsa site :P How on earth would you of found this site unless you knew about my old one? *shrugs* They took my old homepage down so I got to start all over again! *sooks* Well I'm really just using this as a forum to find old lost friends if you are reading this then you know I'm still alive!!

Life has been a force to be reckoned with...too many twist and turns and nothing has turned out the way it was meant to..or more like it hasn't turned out the way I hoped that it would. This is starting to sound like a blog lol *neh*

Anyways do drop me a line if you know me :) And I hope you enjoy the song that will EVENTUALLY load(if you're on dial up) or already has (if u got ADSL) :)

Take care teddy bears
Love you lot and jellitots
s2 aMiKa/HoMbELiNa/AmiSauRus :)

Ps. Don't ever frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile :))))

My favourite poem