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If you are issued this file, then you are issued access to the commands following... these are the rcon commands to our server. do not abuse these privileges, and do not overuse them.

rcon means remote access and is used to control anything on the server, without being at that computer.

Here are some of the commands and exactly what you type in to do them.

(rcon password) means you put the rcon password I give you there.

An rcon password is used like this...

rcon (rcon password) (command)

see below for commands

To Kick people..

type in: rcon (rcon password) status

You will see a list, on the left there are numbers for each player, insert that into the next command to kick that player.

rcon (rcon password) clientkick (Player Number)

To change gametype..

Type in: rcon (rcon password) g_gametype (game number)

each of the games have a number, here they are..

2=Jedi master
4=FFA with no damage

Then you have to restart the server, to do this, type:

rcon (rcon password) map_restart

To change maps..

Type in: rcon (rcon password) map (mapname)

here is an example: rcon (rcon password) map ffa_bespin

it is possible to do duel on any level, as well as ffa on a ctf level.

To change kill limit..

type in: rcon (rcon password) fraglimit (number)

To change capture limit..

Type in: rcon (rcon password) capturelimit (number)

To allow/disallow voting..

Type in: rcon (rcon password) g_allowvote (1 or 0)

if you put in 1 above it allows it, and 0 disallows it.

example of disabling voting: rcon (rcon password) g_allowvote 0

To add bots..

Type in: rcon (rcon password) addbot (bot name)

ex) rcon (rcon password) addbot Desann
ex) rcon (rcon password) addbot Luke


This is a good way to empty a spot on the server if you can't get on.

First startup the game to the main menu and go to console

Type in: rconaddress

Then type in: rconpassword (rcon password)

Then the command desired as if you we're on the server.. read on to see how to kick remotely...

Then type in: rcon status

Then type in: rcon clientkick (Player's ID to be kicked)

Any problems.. talk to me ([TEL]Viper) Gunjedi on AOL and i'm on #jk2TEL