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Requirements for The Elite Llamas Enlistment


The Elite Llamas are a group of people that are totally kick ass at Global Operations, Counter-Strike, and Jedi Outcast,    We play lots and are looking to recruit people.  But you must pass the following.  Please email the following information to   Thank you.


Requirements for Members:

-Must play Jedi Knight: Outcast regularly, and when required to in clan matches (if you play them)
-Must Have AIM. This is so we can communicate about matches and such.
-Must be over 15 years of age. We have found that most annoying n00bs are preteens.
-Must pass an in game test with one of the leaders. (After Email)



Real Name:                             




(The one you plan to put your tag on)



Email Address:                                                       



AOL Instant Messenger name:



About how long you play either CS, or JO a week:                   



Decode this to normal text:                     1337  5p34|{.  |/\|3  5p34|{  7|-|15  4107,  50  y0|_|  5|-|0|_|1|)  |{|\|0|/\|  17.
(If you can't try as best you can.)



How long you have been playing First person shooters:                                                   




What are your computer specs:




(Internet Connection)

(Mouse Type: (Optical, Trackball, Normal))

(Platform: XP, ME,98)



Your Age:



Anything else we should know:                                                                        




Thanks! Please copy and paste this page in an email to !!


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