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        Welcome. My name is Dusty and I am a student at Western Texas College (WTC) in Snyder, Texas. I have pictures of my friends on this site and I hope to get more soon. I also have my poetry here and various links to different sites and a few of my friend's homepages.



"Ignorance is bliss."                                                        


"I am not here
I think I've never been here at all
Or ever will be
I feel like a place
Where no one goes anymore
Why can't you see that everything's broken?
Why does it seem this life's turned gray?
I can't believe in anything sacred
When I don't believe that I am real
- Stabbing Westward


I only see myself reflected in your eyes
So all that I believe I am essentially are lies
And everything I've hoped to be or ever thought I was
Died with your belief in me so who the hell am I?
     - Stabbing Westward


Once I swore I would die for you
But I never meant like this
I don't know if I'm real without you
What is left of me without you?
I don't know what's real without you
How can I exist without you?
- Stabbing Westward