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Crimson Thorn's Internet Resources Page

--Cam Pages--

Go to our very nice Domain page.

Be sure to visit the Camarilla's web site if you haven't already. If you are a member and you don't know the password, email me and I'll send it to you. It does have an extensive introduction for nonmembers, so don't let that stop you.

We are part of the North East Region of the Camarilla. Their web site contains links to other chapters in the area.

There are two more Camarilla LARPs starting up in Maine. The first is Forgotten Hour, based in Orono. Their web page is quite striking, check it out. The second is starting up in Portland and I don't know anything about it. Stay tuned.

One of our members, Dave Chandler, has put up a very nice IC Nosferatu Page. If you are Nosferatu, check it out. If you are not, you might want to anyway to see what good Web design can be.

--Other LARP Pages--

In nearby Bangor, there runs once a month a non-Camarilla LARP called Blood and Iron. It is a very nice game to visit, and I haven't missed one since November 1996. I have an extensive page devoted to my character there that might be worth checking out.

Need some roleplaying hints? Try Jason's Stupid LARP Tricks. Entertaining reading, at the very least.

--Other Links--

Our domain has a mailing list which keeps us abreast of current events and announcements. Please contact Mike Pendergast to get on the list.

All right, you won't beleive this one. Apparently, there is a worldwide society dedicated to playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. They have an online strategy guide that may help you not lose tests to Jason Walton...

Show your clan pride with official World of Darkness Sterling Jewelry. I've seen some, and they're not bad.

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