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~ Dark Sides ~

In case you are wondering I do not have that dark side, I am just interested in everything involved with witch carft! I have searched for some thing, spells, crystals, just little things I find interesting, if this sort of thing doesn't appeal to you then please click back to my home page.


Crystals have been used in magick for eons and each on has its own healiing abilities and unique qualities. Crystals amplify energy that is around them and when used in rituals can amplify the intentions of enrgy that is focused on them. Crystals used in ritual should have their own little bag but if you like to keep them around your home or office make sure you cleanse them from time to time as they can pick up negative energy quite easily.Crystals are nature's gift to help us transform and heal ourselves and can be used in many ways. They can be used to expand your psychic or intuitive abilities and hence work with energy and vision; they also a great aid for meditation; they are wonderful tools for creative visualisation and can be programmed to help the achievment of our goals. Through crystals we can heal ourselves and others, bringing greater clarity and fulfillment into our lives. Crystals can be seen as a bridge from our apparently fixed physical world into another level of existence from which we can create a new reality. Wearing crystals as jewellery is both effective and attractive way to utilise their healing properties or supply specific energies requires to cope with every day life situation at home, work or in any relationships.

~ Amethyst ~

Amethyst is an excellent stone for the senses, it helps fight addiction, soothes stress, calming and is a night stone so therefore excellent for protection during sleep. Amethyst can help strengthen commitment and is an aid to chastity, soothes headaches and is for the third eye chakra. Amethyst is especially good for Sagittarians

~ Amber ~

Amber has protective and healing energies. In Germany it was called a burning stone because it will burn, giving off a sweet pine scent. It associated with immortality and was believed to cure fevers, stomach aches, throat diseases and it is and organic stone, a basic all round healer.

~ Aquamarine ~

Aquamarine is a water stone and a very peaceful one. It is calming and aids communication and can help relax the overactive mind. It helps the nervous systems and is for the throat chakra

~ Bloodstone ~

Bloodstone is a healing stone and is rather good for clearing energy, it strengthens circulation and helps with blood related disorders. Bloodstone stimulates physical strength and is revitalising and balancing. Women will find bloodstone very useful for regulation of the menstrual cycle and for painful periods


Herbal magick or Wortcunning, as it is known by country folk, is an essential part of magick making. The use of medicinal properties of herbs, spices and plants is as old as time and it is only in recent centuries that scientists have turned their back on the natural healing resources the earth supplies. Modern medicine has produce miracles, but it is a shame that alternative medicine is often viewed with skepticism by the medical profession.. Plants, trees, shrubs, herbs and spices also embody different magickal qualities, which resonate with the planetary forces in our solar system. These properties have been used since the earliest times as well. Herb magick is easy because the power or vibrations lie in the herbs themselves. A few procedures are all that are necessary. These procedures include: tying knots, boiling water, lighting candles, sewing and burying things in the earth. More important than the simplicity perhaps, is the fact that herb magick works. It works when there is a reason to call upon the magickal powers. This reason is a need, a desire often presents itself as a need, but in magick a 'desire' is not enough, the must be an all encompassing need. The nature of the need determines which plants are used. Next a spell or ritual may need to be devised, some herb magick doesn't need a spell or ritual but others do. The herbs are also best used if enchanted first, this is to ensure that their vibrations are attuned to the need. Oils, incense and ointments are made from herbs, plants and flowers. Herb magick is a specialised form that utilises the power of the plants. This is the realm of incense, oils, baths, brews and tinctures. An act of herb magick can be as simple as rubbing a scented oil onto a coloured candle, setting it in a holder, lighting it and visualising your magickal need. There are more complex rituals but you're the one calling the shots. Herb magick is a personal art, one in which the practitioner must actually participate.

~ Garlic ~

Garlic is useful for protecting, healing, good health and exorcism. Garlic promotes good health and it is a strong and very protective herb

~ Ginger ~

Ginger is wonderful to use in spells for money, success and power. It can also be used to attract love. Ginger is great in passion spells to heat up the relationship, also beneficial in success spells and to ensure the success of spells. Ginger is masculine

~ Sage ~

Sage Aids wisdom, clarity and is a good purifying herb. Sage is recommended for conception and pregnancy and also as a stimulant. Sage has antiseptic and diuretic properties and is also a hypertensive agent. Sage is basically and all round healer. NOTE: Sage is not recommended for people with epilepsy.

~ Sandalwood ~

Sandalwood has many magickal uses including: protection, success, spirituality, exorcism, healing and wish fulfillment. Scatter sandalwood powder arond your home to clear it of any negative energy. Also good for use in healing and exorcism spells and brings lots of good luck.

~ Oils ~

Scented and essential oils have been used for centuries for all sorts of things. Throughout history people have been aware of the effects scented plants and flowers have on their mind, bodies and emotions. In the beginning oils were used to heal, now they are part of everyday life and can be used in baths, to anoint sacred objects as part of ritual and ceremony, massage and oil burners. Essential oils are volatile oily substances and are highly concentrated vegetable extracts that contain hormones, vitamins, antibiotics and antiseptics. In a way essential oils represent the spirit or soul of the plant. The origin of aromatherapy is usually attributed to ancient Egypt and India. SInce the earliest ages of humanity aromatic functions have been used in daily rituals and during religious ceremonies as an expression and a reminder of an all pervasive sacredness. Modern aromatherapy was born at the turn of the century with the works of French chemist R.M. Gattefosse and has since attracted interest everywhere. Many studies have been conducted by laboratory scientists and by practicing therapists. Essential oils have hundreds of chemical compounds most of them in very small amounts. We know that certain trace elements are fundamental for life. Even though aromatherapy can help relieve symptoms, it primarily aims at curing the diseases. The main therapeutic action of essential oils consists in strengthening the organs and their functions and acting on the defense mechanism of the body. Essential oils do not do the job for the body, they help the body do its own job and thus do not weaken the organism. Essential oils are considered the life force, the energy of the plant.

~ Almond ~

Almond aids in spells or rituals involving finance, it is also a wonderful carrier oil. It is good for skin and hair care.

~ Bergamot ~

Bergamot is good for money attracting and prosperity spells. It uplifts your spirit and is wonderful for protection.

~ Eucalyptus ~

Eucalyptus is a versatile healing oil, it is also very good for protection. There are something like 500 different varieties of eucalyptus. The one most common for essential oils is the Eucalyptus Globus, which is from the blue gum tree of Australia, the oil is distilled from the leaves. Eucalyptus is one of the stronger antiseptics among essential oils. It is good for colds and flu, depression and can be used as an insect repellant.

~ Witches Bottle Spell ~

For home protection. Take a small bottle or jar- a clean, empty baby food jar works great- and fill it with found sharp objects. ie: items you pick up on the ground outside. You can use items already in your possession, but it works better if you take the time and effort to use found objects. Try a construction site for lots of nails, staples, glass, etc.- but BE CAREFUL! Don't hurt yourself. As you add each item to the jar, charge it with protective energies. Once the jar is full, charge it with the intent that it is to protect your home, and any negative energies that come near your home will be repelled by the sharp objects. Seal the jar and bury it outside, close to your house where it won't be dug up.

See, just little things to expand your mind on the unknown, or unseen. There is a link below if you would like to find more out........I know I did *big smile* ~wink~


~ My Friends 1 ~
~ My Poems ~
~ Mjolnir's Pagan and Wicca Page ~
