Park Bench Warmer
Social Activist/Sociologist/Blood Donor/Mother/Lover/Troublemaker
So you want to know about Zel do you.
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I guess I'll start with how I became 'Zel'. Got a minute? A long long time ago (like 15 years ago) I used to write incognito to my highschool paper and spread nasty gossip about people that were nasty to the little people. I went by the name of Zelda Pinwheel which my hippie auntie had called me as a child when she wasn't calling me 'Moonbeam'.
So now fast foward to early 1998 when Zel gets her first official modem!! Yippee! Being of very curious nature I checked out the chats and fell in love with a community at www.beseen.com/genx . I was only there for 2 months but I've made friends there I hope will last a lifetime (cheers to Eddy, Steven,and Dee). The good side to this is if I should ever in my travels come across Brisbane, Amsterdam or England I have a place to rest my weary head and have some fun. Anyways, Zelda Pinwheel became tiresome to type out all the time so shortly I became just zelda but others use that name and then my Amsterdam friend (mazzel) started to call me zeldy. Would you believe someone else in the world is zeldy too! Well now its just zel and as you can see this is just the top layer to a very complex person.
I was born and raised in 'Cottage country', Ontario.
Check out the town
It is hard to believe that a tiny town of 6500 is on the web let alone my old highschool home of the Panthers
Look up High School
I love music. It is my life line to sanity. Shamelessly stealing from Ally McBeal, but everyone needs a theme song. I have several depending on the mood. Whats even more scary is that any conversation I have reminds me of a song. (This can be quite annoying, especially when the topic is of serious nature). I grew up relating to the music of my generation "the eighties" and if my partner really loves me we will have an "all eighties" wedding.
Up Until 1999 I had been slaving away at getting my degree in Sociology from a small university in Northern Ontario. During that time I was affiliated with the University's Coalition for Social Justice. I would like to see this group generating awareness to global issues such as East Timor (look it up), The Ogoni, the Zapatistas, sweatshops,etc but for now we have a grave problem of protesting the possible privatization of our University and a 60% increase in our tuition over the past 5 years. FREEZE OUR TUITION NOW!
I STRONGLY believe in SOCIALISM FROM BELOW. We can vote and vote and vote but we just get the same type of politics in a different suit. If you want things to change for the good of society you have to get up and start doing it yourselves. If you see a homeless person don't cross the street and look the other way. These people are the lost souls of a system going terribly wrong. You can't invite everyone into your home but you can give them a blanket or a few dollars for a warm meal without stereotypically expecting them to buy liquor.
Be informed about your purchases. This can go a long way in making changes. Don't believe it when a company tells you they are great. Start investigating. If you are looking at this page you can take 5 minutes a day to inform yourself. My biggest beef at the moment is with Shell, especially in Nigeria. I'm not going to tell you though (I'll eventually post my findings), for now go find out for yourself. Go find out what McDonald's puts in their burgers and who it effects. If you have a business associate who likes little girls or boys and buys them on the black market,"report him or her". You can stop the insanity a little each day. If someone beats someone else to death because of their sexual preference, make sure there are laws in place to put these sadly 'uninformed' people away before they can hurt anyone else.
You can walk around your whole life with blinders on, or you can get involved. We are all linked to each other in some small way and these links are extremely fragile. Two wrong decisions can put a young family out on the streets. Two right decisions can go a long way in making a personal change and a social change.
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Other Red Cross and Red Cresent Countries please send me your numbers for national clinics. Thanks!