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Do your beliefs define who you really are? How come when people are asked their faith in God they only talk about the things they haven't done (such as, " I've never killed anyone, I've never robbed a bank, etc.)? Is that all we have to go on to determine if you love God? Do you really think after you die, God will allow you into heaven just because you tell him you've not bore false witness or made any graven image? But shouldn't we be marked by what we DO instead of what we haven't done? Why do we judge others by their behavior but judge ourselves by our intentions? Just believing in something isn't enough unless you do something more than cherish the idea. Opposing an issue is of no benefit if you don't lift a finger to make a difference.

If the Lord walked in the room, He wouldn't ask you what your doctrines are. He would see what you are doing with your life and say THAT is exactly what you believe, and nothing else.

Maybe you say you're a good person. Is that enough? What if you moved into the nicest house in town, and then when the owner asked you what are you doing here, you told him, "Well, I'm a good person so I moved in". You know the owner is going to kick you out because it doesn't matter how good you are. What matters is if you know him! It's the same way with our Father in heaven.

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