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Scars & excuses

If we have been offended or had a hard life with bad circumstances, does God give us a discount or disclaimer on obedience?
"Behold the Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear."
For us to look for an escape clause in responsibility to God means we think He's inadequate. We become wise in our own eyes and hope God understands. We reason "God wants us to be happy", but we don't take into account our actions cause others to be unhappy. Suppose Jesus thought what was in his best interest on the way to the cross.
What, then, is a good way to deal with our pain? The truth is that life never goes how anyone expects it to. We will either face our pain or overcompensate to avoid it and anything in the future that reminds us of it. Facing it first involves allowing God the opportunity to heal us instead of feeling justified to handle it our way.
"Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried."
Through His word, He communicates His ability & willingness to carry our burden. We then can gain encouragement that He is able. When we are tempted to relive the pain, His Spirit of power, love, and soundness overshadows the infliction. He has unfolded beauty from pain before and Jesus is living proof that someone with scars can emerge victoriously. He didn't just do it for Himself or to prove He could do it. He saw that He could provide hope for you.
Now He shows Himself to us every day and when we look upon Him knowing He has endured even more suffering than us, we know he can effectively handle the battle we face because we are not facing it alone. And that, my friend is grace to you! This certainty rests with us. Which will we ascribe more power to, our scars or His?

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