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...a poem of lamentation...
------ AMERICA'S DIRGE (A.D.) -----
It used to be the Land of the Free
All that we had was because of Thee
Now we move to the beat of a new drum
than the one that played when freedom rung
Our heroes sang "All you need is love"
But what went wrong?
Now they can't get along
Maybe love's not what we're made of
Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - our pursuits for over a decade
resulting in "safe sex", a war on drugs, & appeals to censor what's played
revealing to us the mistakes we've made
But can we erase te foundation we've laid?
Who can we find to come to our aid?
And how will we ever remedy AIDS?
We can't find the cure
'cause we won't say for sure
that we got there by sin and our hearts are not pure
We want to save the panet, but not our souls
'cause we came from a monkey say our latest polls
Some time back we knew what it was
to respect a Creator for all that He does
But now we've grown tired
of hearing that old tale
preferring dreams that we hired
and saving the whale
Yet heartbeats don't prove there's a child in mom's womb
The environment's more important, so send that child to doom
Deprive a generation of life and youth
Convenience is "god" and not what's the truth
We taught ourselves to be the boss
and use any means to justify loss
Our new golden rule: "We can do as we choose
Leave us alone, the 1st Ammendment's our excuse"
"Give me your tired and your poor"
Our Lady of Liberty says that no more
We'll label the ones who won't think our way
If they don't agree then they'll have no say
We won all the wars but the one in our heart
destruction so silent, yet tears us apart
Daily we say,"We're doing just fine"
Our faces look happy, but our heart's not in line
Our churches look good
but not what's inside
We hear what we should
and still compromise
Listening intently to the latest in vogue
We've turned deaf to Jesus and made Him a rogue
Yet He alone to us has never lied
Oh, say, can you see? - Our country has died
The money we use says "In God we trust"
But we bought what we saw 'cause our god is lust
Will we be satisfied if we get what we crave?
O, where can I find the home of the brave?
If these words that you read don't appeal to you
it's only a sign that what I say is true
But soon what is hidden will be plain to see
America, America, God shed His Son's blood on Thee...

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