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close encounters

Matthew 14:24-31..... In the midst of our storm-tossed life approaches a figure just off the horizon forcing us to reckon with our reality. We are troubled and in some ways scared as we hear a voice say "Don't be afraid, it is I"(Jesus).
Could it really be? If it is true, I want to know more...and then we hear "Come". So we move from our present circumstances, to the new. And it's all we ever hoped!
Journeying, we notice boisterous problems around us & our concerns mount. But you never effectively resolve a problem by focussing on it. You must keep your eyes on Jesus. But since you didn't, the problems begin to overwhelm you and you sink in them. But you cry "Lord, save me!" And IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretches out his hand and catches you. He does not wait for you to suffer ahile. Would you allow your child to struggle through an accumulation of problems before you intervened? When a child cries, is there any hesitation?
There is no "waiting period" with God necessary for you to endure just because your situation is more offensive than most. God preserved His Bible through history to let you know He is an ever-present help in times of trouble! That's God's true character - it's His nature! Even when He says, "O, you of little faith, why did you doubt?" He's not condemning us. He is entreating us:"Hey, I can be depended upon- trust Me." And He carries us (verse 32). Cry out to Him now.

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