Welcome to the Corridor of Original Stories

Trials of Knowledge
Chapter 1: Entering a Delusionary Hell By:MikeyGirlThe story of a cat, cursed with a conscious, intelligent, thinking mind, who resents the world for what it's done to him
Chapter 2: Heaven, but not HomeBy::MikeyGirlThe second part to the story of Lou. C. Fur, who finds a concious mind is a terrible thing to ... have
Chapter 3: Lessons for living in HellBy:MikeyGirlPart 3, Lou takes a week out of life to learn a few survival skills.
Chapter 4: Out of the Frying PanBy:MikeyGirlPart 4, Helping another doesn't necessarily mean you will be helped in return.

Raechel's Stories

Who Needs Friends When You've Got Monsters? By:Raechel A story by one of my best friends, about a young girl, and the monsters that plague her.

(Damn, do you know how annoying tables are to set up? Took me a good half hour to set up those three links! I'm working on part four of the story -- I'm pretty sure there will be 13 parts. I'm pretty sure, because I have the outlines done for 13 parts, but the typing them out is slow going.)

If you have an original Story you'd like posted here, please feel free to e-mail it to me, here: Original Story Submission

I'd be quite happy to post any story that's PG-13 or less. Only because I have to read the stories first, and R isn't my favourite catagory. Thanks!

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